




1. 活血化瘀:按摩膏中的中草药成分,具有活血化瘀、疏通经络的作用,能有效缓解肌肉疲劳、缓解疼痛。

2. 舒缓肌肤:产品中的天然植物精华,能滋养肌肤,缓解肌肤紧张,使肌肤恢复弹性。

3. 镇静安神:按摩膏中的中草药成分,具有镇静安神的作用,能有效缓解压力,改善睡眠。

4. 易于吸收:按摩膏质地细腻,涂抹后易于吸收,无需担心油腻感。


1. 取适量按摩膏均匀涂抹于需要按摩的部位。

2. 用双手轻轻按摩,直至按摩膏完全吸收。

3. 按摩过程中,可根据个人喜好调整力度,以达到最佳效果。

4. 按摩结束后,用清水洗净即可。


1. 安全可靠:白云区星群品牌按摩膏采用纯天然植物成分,无添加任何化学成分,对人体无副作用。

2. 效果显著:按摩膏中的中草药成分,能有效缓解肌肉疲劳、缓解疼痛,达到舒缓、放松的效果。

3. 质地细腻:按摩膏质地细腻,涂抹后易于吸收,无需担心油腻感。

4. 适用范围广:适用于各种人群,如上班族、学生、运动员等,能有效缓解肌肉疲劳、缓解疼痛。




































1. 太古仓码头和珠江琶醍:这里是市民夜晚散步和休闲的热门地点。在这里,你可以享受凉爽的江风和美丽的夜景,还能感受到广州的城市繁华。

2. 乌苏啤酒夏日夜生活:乌苏啤酒与COMMUNE幻师、街电联合推出夜生活主题活动。在这里,你可以一边享受乌苏啤酒的美味,一边找回白天错过的精彩时光。

3. 街头美食:广州的街头美食琳琅满目,如煲仔饭、肠粉、烧鹅等。夏夜,不妨去品尝这些地道的美食,感受广州的市井文化。

4. 音乐酒吧:广州的音乐酒吧众多,夜晚在这里可以尽情享受音乐的魅力。无论是摇滚、爵士还是民谣,都能在这里找到你喜欢的风格。






1. 艾瑞美容美体养生会所(天河正佳店)

2. 广州市天河区龙洞乐天足疗店

3. 春桂园沐足中心

4. 新天河宾馆康体中心


1. 艾瑞美容美体养生会所(天河正佳店)

2. 广州市天河区龙洞乐天足疗店

3. 春桂园沐足中心

4. 新天河宾馆康体中心









1. 传统推拿手法


2. 现代康复理念


3. 个性化服务


4. 环境舒适












1. 项目策划:广州温泉SPA设计机构为客户提供全面的项目策划服务,包括市场调研、项目定位、投资分析等,确保项目符合市场需求。

2. 旅游规划:针对温泉SPA项目,设计机构提供专业的旅游规划服务,包括景区规划、温泉规划、交通规划等,打造一个集休闲、养生、旅游于一体的综合性度假胜地。

3. 专业设计:设计机构拥有丰富的设计经验,为客户提供景观设计、建筑设计、室内设计等一站式服务。在设计中,注重人与自然的和谐共生,强调绿色环保、节能降耗。

4. 温泉设备:广州温泉SPA设计机构与国内外知名温泉设备供应商合作,为客户提供专业、高品质的温泉设备,如温泉池、按摩池、水疗设备等。

5. 景观工程:设计机构拥有专业的景观施工团队,负责温泉SPA项目的园林景观、绿化工程等,确保项目品质。

6. 全程顾问:从项目前期策划到后期运营,设计机构提供全程顾问服务,协助客户解决项目实施过程中的问题。

7. 委托经营管理:设计机构为客户提供委托经营管理服务,包括品牌运营、市场营销、客户服务等,确保项目持续盈利。


1. 专业团队:广州温泉SPA设计机构拥有一支经验丰富、技术精湛的设计团队,为客户提供高品质的设计服务。

2. 先进理念:设计机构紧跟国际潮流,将先进的设计理念融入温泉SPA项目中,为消费者带来全新的休闲体验。

3. 绿色环保:在设计中注重环保、节能,为客户提供绿色、健康的温泉SPA空间。

4. 客户至上:设计机构始终将客户需求放在首位,为客户提供全方位、个性化的服务。
5. 广泛合作:与国内外知名温泉设备供应商、施工企业、品牌运营商等建立了良好的合作关系,确保项目顺利进行。


When Zhou Xingli heard this, he bluntly interrupted, "I don’t agree with this point of view. The Tengba regiment has almost lost its resistance. It doesn’t need three regiments to carry out encirclement and suppression. I think the Red Scarf Army can take the lead to eliminate them."

Zhou Xingli, the generals in a cavity, are very vocal in their hearts. Does this bite each other?
At the same time
Cocoa contacted CSS alone, and there was a dialogue with the other leader, Reed School.
Chapter DiEr692 From
Zhou Xingli refuted Feng Ji in public, which is purely helpless, because if he pretends to be dumb again, the latter will come out and let him send troops to the battlefield in the sixth district to help free fall.
What does it mean to send troops from Xiadao to attack Gu Yan?
It’s obvious. It’s just telling Westbrook that we’re all fucking at war. There are sacrifices and losses. Why have we been watching the fun that week? Who do they have two more dads than?
Feng Ji is not forbidden to go to war, but he must pull Zhou Xingli’s water before, because it is no longer necessary for both sides to get this far. No matter what Feng Ji smiles now, Lao Zhou will not forgive him for pretending that peaceful coexistence is not as good as his mother’s.
There was a fierce argument between the two sides about blocking Gu Yan’s regiment, but it was finally crushed by Westbrook.
Finally, a decision was made to neutralize Gu Yan’s regiment, and Feng Ji’s regiment and He’s regiment each provided some troops to cooperate with Xiadao’s military forces to stop Gu Yan’s regiment outside the four areas.
In this way, everyone can’t hide from this war, but on the contrary, their hearts are balanced!
Sometimes people are just like this, always holding on to old age, and you should not think about doing things with a good attitude, and this kind of consumption is the common nature of human beings.
At the end of the meeting, Li Bokang left the meeting through the toilet and sat in the lounge outside smoking.
Not long after, Xue Huaili also came out and smiled at Li Bokang and asked, "Why did you come out before?"
"… what’s the point of the Chinese Corps consuming dogs to bite dogs and letting people in the European Region be referees?" Li Bokang also said very directly that "the current advantages of the four districts cover up many of our problems".
Xue Huaili wanted to talk to Li Bokang more, but when he said this, he also insinuated his polite smile and then turned away.
Li Bokang looked at the spacious lounge and sighed, "… If we are together, we will die!"
After the meeting.
Westbrook met Feng Jihe Chong in his guest room alone, and revealed to them in his speech that the future Chinese Corps would be ruled by three parties, that is to say, it would not be dominated by Zhou Xingli, and Feng Jihe Chong would also be given the opportunity to pull out to the position of deputy commander, so that their Corps would have some autonomy.
Feng Ji He Chong was very heart-felt after hearing this, and said a lot about sincere cooperation in the first area of Europe.
However, it wasn’t long before Westbrook met with Zhou Xingli alone after the three people chatted, and euphemistically said that the current heavy Feng Ji He Chong mainly came from their excellent performance plan in Draken battlefield, which was valuable and far-sighted, but for the first EU region, the problem of Chinese Corps would still be the main problem.
Zhou Xingli’s face looked happy when he heard this, but his heart didn’t fluctuate. Because of this kind of balanced political skill, Zhou Xingli had been very skilled a hundred years ago. He knew very well that after the European Union, he would tend to rule the Chinese Corps in three ways, which was obviously unacceptable to him.
After the two sides talked, Zhou Xingli drove to his place of residence and turned to Li Bokang and asked, "What do you think of this?"
"… If the Chinese Corps doesn’t report to the regiment, we will definitely be divided after the war in the fourth district." Li Bokang said briefly, "It’s as simple as that."
"What’s the solution?"
"… let’s win first," Li Bokang said with a frown. "After winning, there are two policies: either kill Feng Ji He Chong and slowly take over their troops or privately ease the situation before it forms."
"Relaxation equals concession", Zhou Xingli said concisely, "Feng Jihe will make many demands"
Li Bokang looked at him. "You obviously have made a decision, Commander!"
"Win first!" Zhou Xingli sighed and repeated Li Bokang’s words.
Draken mountain range 53 area
Meng Xi looked at Cocoa who was packing and frowned and said, "I have arranged to send you away."
"Good" Coco nodded his head with a ponytail expression.
"I still think you’d better hide in the dark, don’t show up and send someone to contact CSS!" Meng Xi woke up.
"They’re not stupid. You manipulate people and talk about them in the past. They have no confidence." Coco replied in a low voice. "There already knows that I’m the actual controller of an old friend’s teahouse … I have to show up to push things forward."
"Then you ask questions?"
"… don’t worry about me, I know it." Coco packed up her backpack and looked up at Meng Xi and said, "If it goes well, we will do things according to the predetermined plan. If it doesn’t, you should apply to the floor to let Gu Yan turn around and return to the three major areas and completely give up support for the four areas!"
"I know what you mean!" Meng Xi nodded.
"Then I wish everything well!" Cocoa reached out to Meng Xi.
Meng Xi looked at her and nodded slowly. "Everything goes well!"
When they finished, Coco left the hiding place with his own people and was later sent to the coastline by Meng Xi’s soldiers.
In the middle of the night, the stars are shining in the sky. I looked out of the window by car, and my eyes were dull. I murmured, "I have been here for many years and suddenly I am not used to it."
One day later

This student is different from other students. He is a "special person" in the school and Bai Zi comes from the same world. Those people in Chen Heng are arrogant in front of the second, third and fourth people in the school, but they have become grandchildren in front of the special people in the paradise.

The "special person" student said with a smile, "This pet also knows a lot of postures. MP354 demonstrates several postures."
When MP354 heard the command, her cold face suddenly became charming, her eyes turned red with water vapor, and she showed a very tempting gesture. She gently unbuttoned her clothes in front of all the nobles and lured them up.
"Gee, I want to buy one too."
A few noble students showed interest, but a few of them were not very interested. These people were either tired of playing with the beauty of the second yuan or were already not interested in women.
But whether they are interested or not, they should be able to smile and pretend to be interested when facing special people.
“MP354? Let me have a look. "
At this time, a student suddenly came up with a tease and a smile, and immediately disdained "But you are not as good as my new buyer, Xiao Yu."
Similarly, this student is also a "special person" in the school. His head is slightly shorter than the former, which shows that others are "nobles" with different identities. The special logo is wearing a bauhinia logo on the left chest of the school.
Behind him, an angel with a pair of white wings came over and squatted like a puppy, posing as a fawning dog.
Suddenly, several nobles who were not interested in MP354 before flashed their eyes, and the nobles also showed satisfied smiles.
"I also have something amazing about this model. The strength of MP354 is weak. Give him a lesson." The tall young man in front of me was upset when he saw the limelight and ordered the MP354.
Suddenly, the MP354 suddenly turned into a cold figure from that slut’s appearance, and suddenly jumped from the ground, with his knees shining like an angel’s pet throat, and his head was kicked off and blood spilled all over the floor.
Chapter 54 Special World (2)
"damn it"
Angels spoil the owner’s face, and it is very unpleasant to scold him. He gave the tall nobleman a hard look. "Is this necessary?"
"I’ll just pay you another one. What’s the big deal?" The tall aristocrat sneered.
"I haven’t seen enough."
"Forget it, I’ll book one for fun later."
The aristocratic students next to them showed a disappointing look, but only one showed the same eroticism, and they ignored the lives of third-and fourth-class people. It was never worth anything to them to spoil them.
"Forget it. I heard that Blue has researched all the new models of little boys. How about you help me get one?"
Angels spoil the master’s body and never look at it again, but say to the fat noble student.
"Say something big," the tall noble student said otherwise.
Seeing this scene, Chusisi’s eyes can’t help but show a trace of disgust, and his pace can’t help but accelerate.
Not all people in this world, like the nobility, don’t treat people’s lives and deaths as the same thing. It is always uncomfortable to see a living person who is exactly like a human being killed like a toy.
But it’s not comfortable to return to it, even in the eyes of slum people, it’s far from being loved. In the final analysis, it’s just that it looks similar to people.
Wang Lei sighed in his heart that this situation in the world is not something he can change for the time being.
He has already seen the ugliness of nobles these days, and their "special people" also regard human life as dirt.
When teasing third-and fourth-class people, these nobles are very temperate. On weekdays, they are bossing around and beating them at will, which is still light.
When Bai Zi was in Wang Lei’s class, the aristocratic students still knew a little about convergence, but Bai Zi sometimes didn’t go to school. At that time, the aristocratic students would bully the third and fourth class more fiercely
Besides, whether there are such kind nobles as Bai Zi in aristocratic schools and other classes may not be possible.
It’s almost outrageous to treat people like this to the third and fourth class. Maybe it’s because they are in a bad mood. The aristocratic students will abuse their own people wantonly. When chatting, they will casually instruct their own people to spoil and kill them. The aristocratic students will spoil and play, and the owner will never rest assured of this kind of thing.
Or what good things can we expect students to do when they grow up like this?
Wang Lei deeply feels that these noble students are cancer … not only them, but also those who live at the top of the class they represent in the paradise area. They are all cancer of the world.
What is even more frightening is that this cancer has grown too big to be removed.
Soon after, they finally arrived at the museum. It was almost time when Wang Lei heard some sounds and frowned and turned around directly. "Let’s go back."
"What? Aren’t we going in? "Chusisi doesn’t understand.
Wang Lei pointed not far away, suggesting that something was happening there.
Then Chusisi heard an ambiguous sound coming from the museum. There seemed to be quite a lot of men and women. After a little glance inside, he saw a group of noble students and their respective pets holding an open-air shelter meeting.
Wang Leiyu, these noble students are simply eroded to the bone, and they dare to do so in school. If their family still doesn’t know how extravagant they can be.
"Don’t teachers care about these bastards?"
Chusisi asked discontentedly.
Compared with those noble students, Chu Sisi, a quasi-noble, has not been contaminated with that "aristocratic atmosphere" for the time being. If she is really promoted to the aristocratic class, can she resist this rotten temptation?
"Probably afraid to take care of it."
Wang Lei has seen too many outstanding figures fall on their way up, and there are many such figures in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history. Too many of them are better than Chusisi, and finally they fall to unimaginable heights.
Wang Lei led a group of mud legs to overthrow the Tatar Qing Dynasty and took China to the peak for decades. After that, the couple succeeded in sealing the gods with Chinese luck. In the last few years, the so-called "meritorious aristocrats" women who ruled the country also showed various signs of decay and degeneration.
At that time, it was the beginning of the new dynasty, and the first generation of leaders also attached great importance to the education foundation of the first generation. In addition, strongmen like Wang Lei and his wife forced the second generation to suppress those who were not daring to do anything wrong, but a small number of degenerates were already very unbearable.
It is not surprising that this world with extremely developed science and technology has been running steadily for hundreds of years, with serious class solidification and worrying life.

"So I still want Li Lincheng Dong to make a fuss about taking 50 gold bars from the gold company." Zhou Zheng pondered that "the kidnapper asked for money and I agreed to give them 50 gold bars and informed his assistant. Then he went to the gold company to take the money, but there was a conflict in the transaction process … You just need to improve the details on this idea."

Seven people nodded his head.
"And you should try to erase Lin Chengdong’s true identity in South Shanghai." Zhou Zheng frowned and said, "You people are amazing. No.57, District 5, is not for nothing. Once he is exposed, I have to die."
"It’s no problem. People in South Shanghai have already done it."
Outdoor room
Qin Yu very discontentedly took the words at Jun Chen and said, "What did we say at the beginning? ! Lin Chengdong handed over the man and you let him go back to South Shanghai safely, but why did you arrange something else for him? "
"I asked over there just now. Chief Huang felt that it was necessary for Lin Chengdong to join and Lin Chengdong people agreed." Chen Junqing replied.
"Put this way to talk to him he can not promise? !”
"Xiaoyu Lin Chengdong is not a koo. He got involved in the bureau and was implicated. There is nothing that can be done." Jun Chen said both truthfully and objectively. "I will inform the person in charge of the seventh district to let him try his best to ensure Lin Chengdong’s safety."
"Work can’t be done for nothing!" Qin Yu knows that it has been forced to reverse Nenglin’s mouth.
"Don’t worry, it’s not difficult for military personnel to meet his personal demands." Jun Chen said with a smile, "You let Lin Chengdong think about his own conditions and I’ll help him."
"That’s it!"
A civilian police officer in the archives room of the South Shanghai Police Headquarters said with a mouse that "once the residence information was deleted, there was no way to restore it."
"It’s been approved and deleted." The leader replied back.
After the civilian police officer nodded, he slowly pressed the delete button.
A pop-up dialog box of successful deletion pops up on the screen.
Lin Chengdong’s identity in South Shanghai is gone …
Chapter 12 Night Talk about Landing Sichuan Mansion
That night, Qin Yu stayed here and didn’t go, but lived in a room with Lin Chengdong alone and drank some wine.
Bed Qin Yu sat cross-legged and peeled peanuts. "You came back this time, and Gu Yan and I felt that you have changed a lot."
"Ha ha" Lin Chengdong drinking beer "wife remarried son didn’t Torre paralysis were dead … I watched off Xiaoyu again. Who do you think this thing can not change?"
"I feel very uncomfortable when I think of when we first met at the South Shanghai School." Qin Yu really felt guilty. "If we hadn’t been so close, your life might not have changed."
"People can’t always look at the past, otherwise they can’t fucking live." Lin Chengdong’s words were flat and waved his head to look at Qin Yu and suddenly asked, "Dude, you said that one day you would find that I have no bottom line and no persistence. Can we still drink like this? Can you still be a good buddy? "
Qin Yu looked at him; "I don’t want you to be like that!"
"Xiaoyu, one day I really want to become that person. I hope … you and Gu Yan don’t ignore me." Lin Chengdong slowly raised his beer like a joke and seemed to be serious. Some said piteously, "Because … I’m really lonely, hehe, and you two are bosom friends after half a generation! Don’t worry, I may become different, but I won’t cheat anyone. "
Qin Yu raised his beer and bumped into his glass. "I don’t know how to persuade you, and I don’t know what your plans are in the future, but one thing remains the same. We are friends and have experienced a lot of things together. I hope you will be well and come out."
"hmm!" Lin Chengdong Qin Yu bumped into a cup and looked at him and said, "You and Gu Yan have been helping me take care of my family for years since I left. I won’t accept this feeling for nothing. I may give you both a big gift one day!"
"I hope you will be well."
"I will be fine, I will be!"
They bumped into a glass and drank it off.
"I wish you all the best in the fifth district!"
They got drunk that night and talked until four or five o’clock in the morning before falling asleep.
Early the next morning, Qin Yu flew to Chuanfu area.
One night later.
Zhou Zheng was out, and Lin Chengdong also arrived at the yard. The head of the seven districts pointed to the three burly young people next to them and shouted at them. "They will go with you and say that they are assistant troubled stablehand who will tell them the points that need attention in a while. After you two go in, these three people will find a reason and leave."
Lao Zhou nodded
"I have arranged people in a food and lodging shop outside the gun location line. They can witness this. You are not worried about your general route. After the firefight in the abandoned water conservancy plant, two gangsters left with Lao Zhou. One of them was injured, but he still wanted to blackmail Lao Zhou for a ransom of fifty gold bars and then a firefight occurred during the transaction …!" The words of the person in charge of the seven districts gave a detailed explanation to the people.
After everyone listened, Lin Chengdong was very careful and said to him, "Don’t forget that I told you that someone fell into the pit in Jin Taizhu for the first time. He is a hidden danger!"

"What else do you want to ask? I want to return it. "

Lu Yao’s voice is dull.
Lu Chen leng didn’t realize that this is a virtual arena. If the other party loses and doesn’t want to continue playing, he can surrender at any time.
Lu Chen stopped the way and kindly pulled Lu Ao up, and also separated some vitality and blood from each other’s healing. "Don’t worry, since I can’t remember the battle, why don’t I show you a picture?"
But in the eyes of the off-site audience, Lu Chen can be called unkind. At this time, the mysterious blood blessing face is covered with magic lines, which is really ferocious.
However, Liu Chen’s state in Lu Yan’s eyes seems to be … quite kind at this time.
"Was it ever like this?"
Lu Ming frowned after watching Liu Chenfang’s memory screen. This is a flash, and outsiders can’t see Lu Chenfang’s memory.
Lu Ming was lost in thought. "That is to say, I was originally from that world, but I was dragged in by a fairy when I was in great trouble when I was young?"
Lu Chen nodded. "Is that it?"
Lu Ming shook his head slowly with one hand on his forehead. "I can’t remember that my subconscious told me that God’s blood is dangerous. The body is the source of evil and can’t be contaminated any more, otherwise it will lead to a big mistake of legal redemption."
After sitting in the sand for a moment, he sighed, "Maybe it’s not necessarily that I helped me erase some memories when I was aware of my mysterious blood. Those memories may be that I took the initiative to apply for erasure."
Liu Chenwen frowned, but he didn’t consider the possibility that spending some original coins can help me do these things and erase some bad memories if the seeker wants. What is a piece of cake for me?
But why did Lu Ming do this because his hometown failed in the end? The failure to reverse the tragedy made Wu Shenshan annihilate Lu Yi, and the inability to accept it directly erased his memory?
Lu Chen feels that he should not be there, right? It seems to him that Lu Ming should not be such a coward, and he should have experienced those things long ago when he was pulled in. Didn’t he come back strong and become a powerful pioneer?
What the hell is going on?
Chapter one thousand six hundred and ninety-one The truth virtual pioneer
Lu Chen contacted Chuhang through the group frequency, and probably said it again and got a reply in a short time.
"Brother Liu, if you don’t ask him, you can’t ask the result. If you erase his memory, it must be irreversible. Even if your roots are strong, even if you face others, you can’t get it back. Because it will be cut off by the fairy."
Chu Hang said
"What about the truth? Some of his words make me very interested. Maybe I don’t know something about my hometown. I always feel itchy. "
Liu Chen frowned and said that he had wasted so much effort just to come to Lu Ming for the truth, but he didn’t want to let the battle come to an end without results.
"I probably already know the truth, but I don’t think Brother Lu should ask him to come back."
Chuhang suggested.
"What’s the truth? Why don’t you ask him?"
Lu Chen is puzzled.
"If Brother Lu has to ask, just ask a question to Lu Hua."
Chu Hang paused and said, "Where have his teammates gone?"
Liu Chen leng, then a chill rose behind him and there was a creepy feeling.
He looked at the front of Liu Wei and opened his mouth without asking for export.
After a long silence, it was not until Lu Ming got up and adjusted her manners and put on new fighting that she broke the silence.
"If there is no problem, I will leave the new world and start. Congratulations to Emperor Wudi on becoming the new chief."
Lu Ming said lightly that although he saw Lu Chen’s memory playback, he didn’t feel much, just like watching others, which is difficult for him to bring in.