



1. 广式按摩


2. 精油按摩


3. 精品项目



1. 中式按摩


2. 玄机养生


3. 精品项目



1. 融合两地养生文化


2. 精选优质技师


3. 环境舒适
























1. 独特的按摩功能:智能型按摩面膜通过微电流技术,实现面部肌肉的深层按摩,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉疲劳,提高肌肤的代谢能力,从而达到紧致肌肤、提升轮廓的效果。

2. 高效的美容效果:面膜中的营养成分能够渗透到肌肤深层,为肌肤补充水分、营养,改善肌肤状况。长期使用,可有效改善肌肤暗沉、细纹、松弛等问题,使肌肤焕发青春光彩。

3. 便捷的使用方式:智能型按摩面膜操作简单,只需将面膜贴于面部,开启按摩功能即可。用户可根据自己的需求调节按摩时间和强度,随时随地享受专业的护肤服务。

桑拿4. 智能定时功能:智能型按摩面膜具有智能定时功能,可根据用户需求设置按摩时间,避免过度按摩导致肌肤受损。

5. 安全可靠:智能型按摩面膜采用安全可靠的微电流技术,对人体无副作用,适合广大消费者使用。


1. 市场需求:随着人们生活水平的提高,对美容护肤的需求不断增长。智能型按摩面膜以其独特的按摩功能和高效的美容效果,满足了消费者对美容护肤的需求。

2. 品牌效应:智能型按摩面膜的品牌知名度较高,消费者对其产品品质有信心,从而推动了产品在广州市场的热销。

3. 创新营销:智能型按摩面膜在营销策略上不断创新,通过线上线下的推广活动,吸引了大量消费者关注。

4. 口碑传播:消费者在使用智能型按摩面膜后,对其效果感到满意,纷纷在社交媒体上分享自己的使用体验,为产品积累了良好的口碑。






1. 眼部肌肤干燥、细纹、鱼尾纹较多的人群;
2. 长时间面对电脑、手机,眼部疲劳的人群;
3. 需要改善眼袋、黑眼圈的人群;
4. 喜欢尝试新科技护肤产品的人群。


1. 清洁眼部肌肤:在涂抹眼霜前,先用温和的洁面产品清洁眼部肌肤,确保眼部肌肤干净、无残留物。

2. 取适量眼霜:取黄豆大小眼霜,挤在指尖或眼霜瓶盖边缘。

3. 打开电动按摩头:轻轻触碰按摩头,使其开始微微震动。

4. 沿着眼周进行按摩:用无名指蘸取眼霜,沿着眼周顺时针按摩,按摩范围包括眼角、眼尾、眼头和眼睑。

5. 提拉眼周肌肤:在按摩过程中,可适当进行提拉动作,有助于紧致眼周肌肤,改善眼袋和黑眼圈。

6. 促进吸收:按摩过程中,眼霜中的有效成分会渗透到肌肤底层,帮助改善眼部问题。

7. 清洁电动按摩头:使用完毕后,用温水清洁电动按摩头,确保干净卫生。

1. 电动按摩眼霜的使用频率:建议每天早晚各使用一次,坚持使用才能达到理想效果。

2. 电动按摩头清洗:定期清洗电动按摩头,避免细菌滋生,影响眼部肌肤健康。

3. 使用力度:按摩时力度要适中,避免用力过猛,以免损伤眼部肌肤。

4. 注意眼霜成分:选择适合自己的电动按摩眼霜,关注眼霜中的抗老、保湿、紧致等成分。

5. 避免眼睛接触:使用过程中,确保电动按摩头不接触到眼睛,以免引起不适。







1. 查看资质:选择有营业执照、卫生许可证等合法资质的按摩机构。
桑拿2. 了解口碑:通过网络、朋友推荐等方式了解机构的口碑和服务质量。
3. 环境卫生:观察店内环境是否整洁、干净,工作人员是否佩戴口罩等防护用品。



1. 查看证书:要求按摩师出示相关资格证书,如按摩师资格证书、健康证等。
2. 询问经验:了解按摩师从事按摩行业的时间,以及擅长哪种按摩手法。
3. 交流沟通:与按摩师进行简单交流,观察其沟通能力和专业素养。



1. 三高人群:高血压、高血脂、高血糖患者在进行按摩时,应避免按摩颈部、腰部等部位,以免引起血压升高、血管破裂等意外。
2. 颈椎病患者:颈椎病患者在进行按摩时,应避免按摩颈部,以免加重病情。
3. 感冒发热者:感冒发热者应暂缓按摩,以免加重病情。
4. 孕妇:孕妇在进行按摩时,应避免按摩腹部和腰骶部,以免影响胎儿发育。


1. 告知按摩师自身状况:在进行按摩前,应向按摩师说明自己的身体状况,以便按摩师调整按摩手法和力度。
2. 保持适当力度:在按摩过程中,如感觉不适,应立即告知按摩师调整力度。
3. 饮食调整:按摩前应避免进食过饱,以免影响按摩效果。
4. 休息充足:按摩后,适当休息,让身体充分吸收按摩带来的好处。


1. 保持水分:按摩后,适当补充水分,帮助身体排除代谢废物。
2. 适当活动:按摩后,进行适当的拉伸和活动,帮助肌肉放松。
3. 注意保暖:按摩后,避免受凉,以免引起感冒或其他不适。







1. 服务项目


2. 机构级别


3. 服务环境




1. 传统中式按摩:60分钟约100-300元;90分钟约150-500元。

2. 泰式按摩:60分钟约100-300元;90分钟约150-500元。

3. 日式按摩:60分钟约100-300元;90分钟约150-500元。

4. 精油按摩:60分钟约150-500元;90分钟约200-800元。

5. 足疗:30分钟约50-150元;60分钟约100-300元。


1. 选择正规机构:在选择按摩门诊时,应优先考虑正规医院、连锁按摩机构、星级宾馆内的按摩中心等,确保服务质量。

2. 了解收费标准:在预约按摩服务前,了解收费标准,避免产生不必要的纠纷。

3. 亲身体验:在条件允许的情况下,可以先尝试体验一次,了解按摩师的技术水平和服务态度。

4. 注意个人隐私:在按摩过程中,注意保护个人隐私,避免泄露个人信息。


The struggle for profit is bloody and cruel, and there is no humanity to speak of. For those in high positions, they often have few choices.

Waiting for every minute is suffering.
At about 7 o’clock in the evening, Chen Hui Donglai and other first advance troops will tie two guard companies from South Shanghai to North China.
When Chen Zhongqi got the news, he immediately drove to meet him with his staff class.
The motorcade met before the north military supply, and Chen Hui Donglai took the initiative to drive Chen Zhongqi’s car.
After the Big Three met, the motorcade went to General Chen’s headquarters.
Car Chen Hui said with a dignified face, "There are about 30,000 people in the city’s navy. Once we know the fire, we must ensure that these people … can’t be our opposites."
"The navy doesn’t worry that I already have plans," Chen Zhongji said in a low voice. "You just let the troops in normally, and the style here in garrison headquarters has also gathered people to talk about the collapse of the meeting … they will start work."
"Surrounding may not be able to control the situation, Commander-in-Chief. What can you do if you just don’t agree?" Dong Lai looked at Chen Zhongji darkly and asked, "Can you kill him? Can you really control the situation by killing you? "
"I also have plans in garrison headquarters, and they probably won’t move," Chen Zhongji replied in a low voice. "And as far as the current situation is concerned, many people are holding a wait-and-see attitude. If we get things done, maybe garrison headquarters will also be our end. After all, when we chose to unite with the League, they also voted in favor. Then the Sichuan government really went to town and they won’t be better."
Chen Hui Guo Donglai heard this silence.
"Tonight, there will be troops on the other side of the week," Chen Zhongji said, looking at the street scenery outside the window. "We just want a control headquarters to let the commander-in-chief pay the order of Chen Jun’s department, and then our first advance army will take the lead and then jointly kill Jun Chen with Zhou and the navy to ensure the stability of South Shanghai."
"I hope it goes well," Chen Hui replied lightly
About twenty minutes later, the motorcade was stopped, which was less than two kilometers away from the headquarters. Chen Zhongqi and others in the military control zone were told that they were allowed to bring personal guards to the meeting, and the rest of them had to wait outside the zone.
This is an old rule, and everyone was informed to let go after the guards of the two companies were reduced to 30.
The motorcade entered the control area and soon entered the headquarters compound.
At this time, Chen Zhongqi received a mobile phone message for the third time, and the other party told him again that Chen Zhongren had been waiting for the building for a long time.
They stepped into the main building and took a special passage directly into the conference room.
Jiujiang direction
Qin Yu sat at the headquarters and frowned at the calendar war and said, "Haven’t you found it yet?"
"No Jiujiang North Road is blocked by the enemy, so it’s not good for our reconnaissance unit to show off work." Li Zhan looked down at his watch. "Wait and see if the second one has any effect."
"Personally, I judge that if there is an uprising in South Shanghai tonight, I still want to get Jun Chen," Lincheng said after thinking. "After all, he is the biggest threat and the closest."
Qin Yu scratched his head and immediately picked up the phone and dialed Meng Xi’s number. "Hey, what’s the situation over there?"
"I’m ready," Meng Xi quickly replied, "… I’ll go to South Shanghai after the handsome men move."
"Okay, call me as soon as he moves."
"got it"
With that, the two ended the call, and then Qin Yuchong rushed through the war and said, "Don’t wait any longer, or I’m afraid that if you don’t, you will order the frontier troops to pull forward quickly and make a pair of offensive advances."
"white!" Nod through war
Nine o’clock in the evening
Chen Zhongren appeared at the meeting of Chen Department.
Fierce palm ring Chen Zhongren face reserved at everyone with a wave bent down to sit the theme.
"Alas, I’m here." Chen Zhongren adjusted her microphone and swept her eyes across the room. They nodded slightly and said, "You are all heroes … you have worked hard during this period."
They listened quietly and didn’t respond.
"The current situation is not very optimistic for us …" Chen Zhongren talked about a white field.
At the same time
A brigade commander of the South Shanghai North Port Garrison Camp shouted with a walkie-talkie, "Go to the headquarters secretly according to the scheduled plan!"
Nanhu port
Chen Haijun Wang’s chief of staff sent Chen Zhongqi a short message "Everything is ready".
Chapter 2536 admonition
Will Chen Zhongji quietly put away his mobile phone and continue to worship and look at his eldest brother.
Chen Zhongren also talked about the key point after the white talk. "To tell you the truth, representatives of Sichuan government have contacted me frequently recently, and they want to force me to hand over South Shanghai. Although this request is an insult to me and Chen, the reality is really bad for us. If the two sides fight hard, Jiujiang City will not play in South Shanghai."
People look solemn when they hear this.
"I also consider how much chance we can have to continue Zhou Xingli in the future. If we can’t keep South Shanghai, what kind of results will we bear? " Chen Zhongren threw out several questions, but his attitude and meaning were euphemistically expressed in his words.
When it comes to this, Chen Zhongqi and others can’t pretend to be dumb. First, Chen Hui exchanged a look and then took the lead in interrupting and said, "Commander-in-Chief, I want to say two words …!"
Chen Zhongren looked at him and made a gesture of please. "You are old!"
"My bow has no turning arrow. Now that we have completely torn our faces in Chuanfu District, it is inevitable that we can’t take the road of peace." Donglai got up and said, "From the point of view of your commander-in-chief, Lin Yaozong’s reputation on merit is less than yours. Qin Yu is even a junior. If you choose peace and are labeled as a war criminal by this group of people and sent to a military court, it will be difficult for us to wash away the shame for Chen Lai, who has a history of decades. Our honor and sacrifice will be completely trampled on. From the overall situation, we will fight for ourselves. The Ministry will fight against us. It’s not that any government wants to ensure Chen’s own interests. This is not wrong from the starting point. Now, if our department loses so much, if we choose to sum up … what about those soldiers and generals who died in battle? "
Chen Zhongren was silent.
"I think Chen is at a disadvantage, but it is not without the ability to turn the tide." Donglai continued, "To be honest, the crisis in South Shanghai mainly comes from the rebellion! If Jun Chen hadn’t led the army to revolt, the total strength of our army and Zhou Army Corps would have exceeded 400,000. Even if we couldn’t get into the northern battlefield, it wouldn’t be difficult to stick to our chassis, would it? However, Jun Chen’s rebellion directly led to the tens of thousands of troops in the main city of South Shanghai being pinned down, which led to the loss of Jiujiang City and the disadvantage of the war situation. The root cause came from Jun Chen, a traitor! If you want to protect South Shanghai, you must pay them off quickly, and South Shanghai should realize a monolithic garrison strategy to cooperate with the navy. I think Qin Yu’s current multi-line air leakage situation is that their southern battlefield is forced to fight again, and they will inevitably support Beifengkou first, and we and Zhou can completely recover this tone. "
Chen Zhongren listened to each other’s words with an expression on his face and still didn’t interrupt.
After a long silence, Guo Hui also chimed in and said, "I agree with the old view that since we have fought in Sichuan and Fujian, there is no turning back. Let’s not talk about the big picture. Dali wants to say that General Chen is in a situation of continuing to fight, and there may be a future, but he actively seeks surrender. That is the bloody fact!"
Everyone immediately whispered when they heard this. Many people agreed with Guo Hui’s point of view.
Chen Zhongren pondered for a long time and asked his brother, "What’s your attitude?"
Chen Zhongqi desk put the palm of your hand on your pants and wiped your sweat to adjust your mood and replied, "I agree with Hui and Donglai! Fight to the end. "
"Does Chen Junbu kill each other?" Chen Zhongren asked
"Commander in chief, he is a rebel! It’s not our own anymore, "Chen Zhongqi insisted." The more you get to this point, the more determined you are to take the big guy to the right path! "
Chen Zhongren stepped in and looked at him. "You mean I misled everyone?"


After 12 hours.
Four cars parked outside a food and lodging shop near the public port pier in the planning area of the southwest coastline.
Xu Yang came from the car wearing a military coat and yawned. "Can he arrange a boat to go to sea here?"
"Yes," Cai Ge nodded. "You can go to sea with the cargo ship for one hundred yuan."
"Ha ha is quite expensive," Xu Yang replied with a smile.
"This place is mixed with businessmen or ordinary people who pull sea goods. Who will come?" Brother Cai replied softly, "There are no passenger ships in this place. They are cargo ships."
"All right," Xu Yang nodded and replied, "Stay here for a while and board the island when there is a boat."
Voice down twenty people carrying luggage carrying a bag into the accommodation shop.
Puerto Ple is a self-developed public trade harbor, which is surrounded by the sea for eating. People in the planning area want to go to the sea, and the people here are more moderate and prosperous compared with other places. Moreover, it may be the highest temperature place in the Arab League region, and it can reach about 0 degrees during the day. Although it is often snowed under the influence of the big environment, it is much more comfortable than other places.
Xu Yang and others choose a large-scale accommodation shop, including more than a dozen bungalows, three places on the second floor and a three-storey main building. A hotel in the fast-moving area is big and business is booming. Many off-road vehicles parked outside the courtyard look very lively.
It was already late when everyone entered the store, and it was dark, but there were not few people in the main restaurant with seven tables.
"Hey, hello, boss, we are a restaurant and a hotel, right?" The waiter came over and asked in less standard Mandarin.
"Yes," Xu Yang nodded with a smile. "Twenty of us live here all night and go out to sea early."
"Good that how many rooms? We have two people and four people here. "
"Four people," Cai Ge answered. "You can’t earn a few for a trip, so save it."
"Good," the other person asked, "Then we should check in first and then order?"
After the two sides talked, the staff took the people to the second floor next to them, and then Xu Yang and others put the urgent luggage in the room and ate on the same floor.
Twenty people were divided into two tables and sat near the door.
"Ha ha, the seafood in this place is not expensive." Cai Ge sat next to Xu Yang and said with a smile, "This fucking meal is not coming without hundreds of dollars."
"Well, it’s quite fresh." Xu Yang nodded
When everyone was chatting, the cotton curtain at the main entrance of the restaurant was picked, and six men in down leather jackets came in. The leader was around 30 years old and looked very energetic.
Xu Yang’s habitual glance at the door was boring.
Personnel to meet to talk to each other.
Not long after, these six people were sitting near the window, and a young man suddenly said, "If you answer it, you will be tired of it."
Xu Yang next to hear each other one leng looked back at them.
"South Shanghai dialect" Cai Ge Xu Yang ear said 1.
"What did he say?" Xu yang asked
"He said it’s too dirty and disgusting here." Brother Cai knows a little about everything on the ground.
Xu Yang light is wrinkly to knit the brows side head and glanced at the six men.
The leader at the next table immediately woke up in a low voice and said, "Don’t speak Mandarin so much."
"Oh" youth nodded.
On the periphery of Puerto Ple, an off-road vehicle entered the harbor street again and wandered around.
Chapter 1659 Weird Port Pleas

"Although the immortal emperor ordered immortals not to intervene in the cultivation of immortals, many immortals died at the hands of immortals every year. For one reason or another, I, Li Chengzhu, today, if you are bullied by any immortal, you can come to Acacia to find me."

Boss Li’s eyes stared straight at Luo Sihai’s desk with a strange smile on his face.
Lota Shuai’s face became more ugly. Li Pian-yu looked at Luo Sihai and then at Ye Zhiqiu and closed his eyes after taking a few breaths.
The situation is not so good today. Luo Sihai saw it, and Li Pian-yu also saw it.
This so-called celebration of the first direct promotion of Luo Tianxian in the celestial world has another meaning.
One gave this newly established new strength a chance to snare the most basic personnel.
Boss Li spouted saliva and stars tried to stir up the emotions of the bosses and castellans. When reporters were used to those sensational means stained with yellow-haired stars, Li Chengzhu set up an enemy image with his powerful power and this time, which easily made the blood of these people boil.
Li Chengzhu, the duke of the so-called celestial cities, naturally knows that these people are the lowest level personnel in the fairy hierarchy, just like Gu Linglong at the beginning.
No immortal wants to stay in a city and be troubled by the worldly affairs of the immortals all day long, so he can’t practice quietly. Although he can get a certain reward, the reward is not proportional to the effort.
But there is no shortage of people who can be promoted to high-level immortals in these cities.
Besides, these casters are a big force when they unite
Boss Li knows that if we grasp half of the 4,000 people present, this force will be full of unknown struggles and remain invincible in the future.
Anyone who suspects that Boss Li is evil or selfish can see it, including those bosses who have been ignited to cultivate immortality.
After practicing for hundreds of years, people who are not stupid and excited will also think of what kind of purpose this murderous and acacia patriarch will have if he changes his past arrogance and affability.
If you really want to say that this person has a sense of justice, these most important and lowest-level immortals will not believe it.
Shame on big boss Li, he has opened his sleeves and untied his robe, revealing glistening belly, reflecting and showing color, and some of them have been forced to sweat out of their bodies. Big boss Li wants to carry out the sensation to the end.
From time to time, the female brothers of Hehuan Sect stole a peek at a patriarch’s adult and leaked their hearts in spring.
The bosses asked their own questions, which revolved around the available benefits and the cost.
When you know that you don’t need to pay for justice on your side, you will conditionally fight evil. After that, the leaders are excited and step by step into the condom set by Boss Li.
At this moment, the eyes of these immortal owners are like giants who maintain peace in the immortal world and generally represent justice and light.
When all kinds of questions and mood swings passed, Boss Li was thirsty.
A mind brother hurriedly brought a cup of tea to Li Chengzhu and took a bite to kill it. At the end, he said thank you to his brother with a smile.
The female brother bit his lip with a blush on his face and stumbled off the stage with excitement.
That thank you is habitually said, but the bosses can see some information from it.
How can a Luo Tianxian who is so peaceful to his younger brother be as murderous as he smells?
No matter what purpose he brought, it is a good thing that he will devote himself to maintaining peace in the world of cultivating immortals after the death of Albizia.
The title of Acacia Sect has no longer broken through the whole world of cultivating immortals, and no sect has ever been so loud.
And the Luo Tianxian nature also can’t get any benefits from yourself.
After much thought, the bosses didn’t find anything for Luo Tianxian to covet.
Property? If he wants to, he can take it by force and then return his property to Hehuan Zongmen.
Talent? There are so many talented people in the Acacia Sect that there are countless people who want to join the Acacia Sect to cultivate immortality.
"On the whole," Li Chengzhu made a final summary with a wipe of his mouth. "I, who belong to Acacia Sect, will not let my own people suffer or make my enemy better than even if the enemy is an immortal or a higher immortal, I, Li Chengzhu, are not afraid!"
Boss Li has finally revealed his true purpose, and the masters of the company have sniffed out a little taste.
Everything revolves around the last three words.
Only when one of our own is one of our own, can we really pay conditionally.
But who cares?
All these leaders need to do is get the promise of the patriarch who dares to go against the sky and ask for help. If he can really help them in the most crisis as he said, these leaders will already be grateful to Germany.
"Li Zongzhu, I propose to set up an alliance to cultivate immortals, and Li Zongzhu will lead us all." A voice rang out in the crowd, although it was not big, but it was full of the whole venue.
Boss Li swore that he had never asked for help.
It’s beyond my expectation to achieve such results.
Luo Sihai and Li Pian’s feathers are blue in the face. They know that if they don’t take some measures to make this shameful person agree to come, then all the bottom members of the whole cultivation world can belong to him.
The three major forces in the celestial world dare not boldly woo Jin Xianren, but they can secretly control a sect founder and then control this sect. But who would have thought that there is still a soldier in the celestial world who is not afraid of being punished by the immortals, and his ambition has been recognized by the immortal world?
It all sounds so ironic and crazy now, but it really happened.
The propagandist is also well-known in the field of cultivating immortals, and the strength of his sect theory can also rank among the top ten in the field of cultivating immortals.
Such a person’s sincere shouting of this remark is naturally more frightening than that of others.

"No outsiders sit down, Xiaofei." Shen Wanzhou waved his hand with great vigor.

"Well" Shen Fei bent down to sit.
"There’s something you need to do." Shen Wanzhou looked at Shen Fei and said flatly.
Chapter 231 Blind date
Yan Bei bie yuan
Because Wu Di and his party arrived very late, it was not very convenient to travel with Qin Yu and others, so everyone sat in the living room and chatted for a while, so that the host prepared some supper and had a simple meal.
When eating, Wu Di’s performance has been a little obvious. He has been pulling the old cat to sit with him and Zheng Yazhong, while the old cat Cheng cares about Hu Lie and doesn’t seem to find anything unusual
After the dinner, it was already past 11 o’clock in the middle of the night. Because there were still things to do, Wu Di and others got up and left for the next villa to rest.
After going back
Zheng Ya immediately went into his room to wash, while Zheng Gan sat on the sofa in the living room and asked Wu Di, "Did you tell them?"
"I told Xiaoyu," Wu Di replied lazily, smoking a cigarette.
"What does Mr. Qin mean?" Zheng gan face seriously asked
"He didn’t object," Wu Di answered truthfully, "but he can’t arrange the blind date between the old cat and his peers. If the old cat doesn’t have any different opinions, the two sides will try to get in touch with each other."
"That means Mr. Qin doesn’t object?"
"Well, he didn’t say anything against it," Wu Di nodded. "But we can’t make decisions about it. It’s up to them."
"My sister’s personality is also quite stubborn." Zheng Gan rubbed his face with some fire. "If it weren’t for my mother and I had to let her estimate, she wouldn’t be able to accept any blind date."
"Why don’t you ask her?" Wu Di tried to answer the question.
Zheng Gan scratched his head. "Ok, I’ll go to her and ask you to go to bed early."
"Well, I went." Zheng Gan got up and pointed to the floor.
"You go ahead. I’ll sleep after smoking this cigarette." Wu Di nodded.
Two minutes later, Zheng Gan knocked on his sister’s door, and his face showed shame. Laugh.
Shi Zhengya has changed her pajamas, removed her light makeup and applied a light gel mask to her white cheeks.
"Why?" Zheng Ya asked 1
Zheng Gan stepped into the room and asked, "What do you think?"
"How about what?" Zheng ya replied gracefully.
"Just … just introduce that to you. What do you think of him?" Zheng gan asked a little nervously
Zheng Ya glanced at his younger brother, but calmly replied, "What can you see when you just come into contact? It’s okay. He looks okay, but … but he’s just too talkative. He said he didn’t look like the chief of police headquarters when he was eating. "
"You don’t understand this," Zheng Gan immediately persuaded. "The old cat worker is very capable. He pulled up the Sichuan police system by himself. In other words, Mr. Qin said that he took the least handling and did the most practical things. Don’t look at the old cat’s willingness to joke with us. That’s because all the people sitting at the table are old friends and he likes people, but in fact, he has a good personality. At the beginning, Songjiang police system was also a famous gun barrel conference, and he and Feng Yunian dared to swear."
Zheng Ya sat in front of the dressing table and lightly answered "Well"
"Why didn’t you respond if I didn’t say so much?" Zheng gan is a little worried.
Zheng Ya slowly turned her head and asked with a smile, "Do you want to sell me so much?"
Zheng Gan heard this stupid "what selling? This word is too cold-blooded. "
"Do you think I can’t see political marriage?" Zheng ya no hurry no slow tunnel
"Not really," Zheng Gan immediately explained. "It’s really interesting to strengthen the relationship with the Sichuan government at home, but I also think that the old cat is in good condition, both in family background and education and social status."