



1. 独特的地域文化


2. 融合传统与创新

3. 舒适与宁静的体验



1. 自然元素


2. 传统元素


3. 现代元素



1. 广州某高端SPA会所


2. 广州某日式SPA






















1. 烧烤:在珠江边,你可以品尝到正宗的广州烧烤,香辣鲜嫩的烤串,让人欲罢不能。烤鸡翅、烤鱼、烤虾……各种食材在炭火的熏陶下,散发出诱人的香气。

2. 粥品:广州的粥品种类繁多,有皮蛋瘦肉粥、花生粥、咸蛋瘦肉粥等。每一碗粥都煮得恰到好处,粥底浓稠,食材新鲜,让人回味无穷。

3. 小吃:广州的小吃更是闻名遐迩,如肠粉、糯米鸡、虾饺、烧鹅等。这些小吃不仅美味可口,而且独具特色,让人流连忘返。

4. 饮品:在珠江边,你还可以品尝到各种特色饮品,如双皮奶、杨枝甘露、椰子水等。这些饮品清甜可口,为你的夜宵之旅增添一份清爽。



1. 珠江夜景:夜幕降临,珠江两岸的灯光璀璨夺目,犹如一条蜿蜒的彩带。远眺珠江,你可以看到广州塔、海心沙、二沙岛等标志性建筑,构成了一幅美丽的夜景。

2. 桥梁风光:珠江上有众多桥梁,如海心桥、海珠桥、海印桥等。这些桥梁在夜晚灯光的照耀下,显得格外壮观。

3. 沿江风光带:珠江两岸的沿江风光带绿树成荫,花草丛生,是市民休闲散步的好去处。在这里,你可以尽情享受大自然的清新空气。

4. 主题灯光秀:在国庆等特殊节日,珠江两岸还会举办主题灯光秀,为夜宵盛宴增添一份喜庆氛围。





























1. 干蒸:干蒸房内温度高达80℃以上,游客可以在此高温环境中,加速新陈代谢,促进血液循环,提高免疫力。

2. 湿蒸:湿蒸房内温度适中,湿度较高,游客可以在此环境中放松身心,舒缓疲劳,同时有助于排出体内湿气。

3. 石板浴:石板浴房内铺设着加热的石板,游客可以躺在石板上,让石板的热量渗透到身体各个部位,缓解肌肉酸痛,改善睡眠。


1. 湖上泛舟:游客可以乘坐游船在湖上畅游,欣赏湖光山色,感受大自然的宁静与美好。

2. 山间徒步:天池胜地的山间小路曲折蜿蜒,游客可以在此进行徒步,锻炼身体,同时欣赏沿途美景。

3. 野餐:游客可以选择在湖边、山间或桑拿房内享受野餐,品尝美食,享受悠闲时光。










桑拿1. 专业技术:广州的筋骨按摩师经过严格的培训,具备扎实的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。他们能够根据顾客的体质和需求,提供个性化的按摩方案。

2. 丰富种类:广州的筋骨按摩种类繁多,包括中医按摩、泰式按摩、瑞典按摩、足疗等。每种按摩方式都有其独特的疗效,顾客可以根据自己的喜好和需求进行选择。

3. 环境舒适:广州的筋骨按摩机构普遍注重环境氛围的营造,室内装修风格简约大方,音乐、香薰等元素营造出放松身心的氛围。

4. 服务周到:广州的筋骨按摩师服务态度热情,细致入微,他们会耐心倾听顾客的需求,确保顾客在按摩过程中感受到舒适与愉悦。


1. 缓解疼痛:筋骨按摩能够有效缓解肌肉酸痛、关节疼痛等症状,帮助顾客恢复身体活力。

2. 改善睡眠:筋骨按摩有助于放松身心,提高睡眠质量,让顾客在按摩后拥有更好的休息。

3. 促进血液循环:筋骨按摩能够促进血液循环,增强新陈代谢,有助于身体健康。

4. 提高免疫力:筋骨按摩有助于调节内分泌,提高人体免疫力,增强抵抗力。

5. 放松心情:筋骨按摩是一种放松身心的方式,有助于缓解压力,提高生活质量。


1. 看资质:选择有合法资质的筋骨按摩机构,确保按摩师具备专业资质。

2. 查评价:通过网络、口碑等途径了解机构及按摩师的评价,选择口碑良好的机构。

3. 看环境:选择环境舒适、卫生条件良好的机构,确保在按摩过程中拥有良好的体验。

4. 咨询服务:在预约按摩前,可以向机构咨询服务项目、价格等信息,确保满足自己的需求。


"What clue?" Qin Yu asked 1 words.

"Dong Liwei was shot in the neck before he died, and I didn’t catch him speaking intermittently." Jiang Xue frowned and said, "But it should be related to the assassination. He said that there was a observation place in No.13, District 9, more than 300 kilometers south of Taikang, where more than 50 officers were transferred from various units and should be strictly confidential."
Qin Yu frowned. "More than fifty people have been transferred to this observation?"
"Yes," Jiang Xue nodded slightly excitedly and said, "There are so many people transferred here that I don’t think it’s much to do with the attack on the old cat in the area. I thought of a possibility."
Qin Yuwen immediately chimed in "I feel the same with you! In this way, my horse has people investigate this No.13 military observation. "
"It must have been too late." Jiang Xue shook his head. "Dong Liwei was shot when we took him away. He himself said that someone was trying to kill him. I judged that the Taikang area had been exposed and the opposite side had reacted."
"No date, no date, let’s hit a shot first." Qin Yu paused and said, "You come back first and I’ll let people investigate. You can also check this information from Dong Liwei’s speech."
"But" Jiang Xue nodded. "Let’s fly back first."
"Okay, that’s it."
Say that finish two people ended the call.
Several trucks on a coastal highway line in Shandong are driving at top speed.
A middle-aged man in the back of the second truck rushed to his companion next to him in a cold car plate and asked, "Why did you suddenly transfer us all?"
"You don’t know?" Peer rhetorical question
"I don’t know a fart. I’ve been living in the clinic for two days with a cold and I haven’t returned to the camp." The middle-aged man shook his head
"I heard that something happened to Dong Liwei," the companion explained in a low voice. "It seems that he Taikang was stared at by the district people and would inform us to evacuate in such a hurry."
"He was stared at because of that thing? Did he get caught? " Middle-aged look nervously asked
"I don’t know about this." My companion shook his head. "But our off-duty staff were also recalled and evacuated together. This means that Dong Liwei stabbed the basket quite a lot."
"Mom B didn’t miss that, did she?" The middle-aged man muttered worriedly, "In that case, will we …?"
"It shouldn’t be authentic for us to take the lead in doing things," said the companion soothingly. "Otherwise, we wouldn’t be allowed to leave overnight."
After a long silence in middle age, he was very anxious to scold, "This Dong Liwei is really a stupid dog. He told him not to gamble and had to listen to it, which got us into trouble."
"You can make sure that you don’t make mistakes when you do more work for this person, but you can’t control others." The companion sighed, "This is life. Forget it and love it."
That night
Xiao Ge Xiao Qi and others returned to Zhongdu by plane, while Jiang Xueze was thinking about Dong Liwei in his heart, and finally gave him a clue and went directly back to the area with injuries to prepare for the fastest speed to chase this line.
Early the next morning
Liu Weiren, a military office in Songjiang Tuzha Street, District 9, sat in a small conference room sofa and frowned at Meng Xi and asked, "What do you think? !”
Meng Xi poured Liu Weiren a glass of water, bent down and asked, "You have confirmed this, haven’t you?"
"Of course I asked the staff to confirm" Liu Weiren nodded.
"Did you ask the head of the party?" Meng Xi asked
"Not yet," Liu Weiren shook his head. "He has no chance since his vacation yesterday."
"Could it be that you heard the wind and deliberately hid?"
"He dare not"
“……!” Meng Xi thought about it and stepped in and looked at Liu Weiren and said, "Well, if you say that Feng Lei contacted this colonel, I’ll ask him to come over first, and then you can have the colonel found and called him over."
"Face to face confrontation?" Liu Weiren asked
"No, let’s talk to Feng Lei first and then ask the colonel." Meng Xi answered succinctly.
"What if it’s true?"
"If it’s really the poacher at this time, our position must be the same," Meng Xi replied without hesitation.
"Ok, call Feng Lei." Liu Weiren nodded.
"Okay, I’ll call him."
Say that finish Meng Xi got up and walked to the front of the desk machine dialed Feng Lei words.
"Hey, Director Meng, what are your instructions?" Feng Lei said civilly
"Ha ha, I have something personal to worry about communicating with you-do you have time?" Meng Xi asked
"Then come to the office and let’s talk face to face."
"Good!" Feng Leishuang replied quickly.
Shen Fei, the office building of Fengbei Military Intelligence Department in District 9, hurried into an office, stretched out his hand and pushed the door and looked up and shouted "Brother!"
"What’s the matter with you? How did you make such a big mistake?" Shen Yin got up in a bit of a hurry and shouted at Shen Fei, "When I first came back, I asked you that the follow-up affairs were not handled properly. You promised me that there was no problem. Just a few days later, something happened?"
Shen Fei paused and replied, "This is really my mistake. I didn’t let the observation side manage well."
Shen Yin crossed the waist and walked back and forth for a circle, then frowned and said, "Forget it. Let’s not talk about it. Let me ask you what you plan to do next?"
"I have let them leave …"
"It’s not safe to withdraw light." Shen Yin immediately interrupted his brother with a wave.
Qu Yanbei
After treating the wound, Jiang Xue Hospital sat in the hospital bed and rushed to the military personnel to order, "First, check Dong Liwei’s resume immediately from the time he joined the army to the time he was transferred. When was he pulled out and was named? Everyone has to take care of it. Second, check for me whether his officers in the Shensha faction have been transferred two months before and after Dong Liwei’s transfer. I want company information!"
A dozen military personnel immediately saluted and shouted.

The outdoor iron gate was pushed by a man in a military uniform and came in with his hand behind his back and said, "Welcome to the special case investigation department of the District Military Supervision Bureau!"

Small tsing lung heard this instant Meng b cold sweat to stay.
"… the rain Chen brothers to za the whole cup …!" The little white tiger fell into bed, snoring and moaning.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-nine The secret code
Just as Xiao Qinglong Meng forced his brother Chen to step in from the outside and look back at him.
"Let me introduce you-this is Chief Fu Zhen, Director of the Secret Operations Department of the Sichuan Military Supervision Bureau and Chief of the District Special Case Investigation Section!" The military personnel in the district introduced a pair of earthquakes with great arrogance.
Xiao Qinglong was numb. He remembered that he didn’t drink much last night, but now he can’t remember what happened after drinking. When he opened his eyes, he was here and his head ached badly.
Fu Zhen looked at Xiao Qinglong’s expression and was very pleased. He had a feeling of crushing each other from IQ, then stepped forward with his back and bowed his head and said, "You military personnel can’t drink alcohol this week. Do you sleep at the touch?"
Small tsing lung forehead braved the fine sweat suppressed along while after plump a lie on the bed and twitched up directly.
"Come on, he seems to have swallowed poison." The officer next to Fu Zhen immediately shouted
"Don’t move!" Fu Zhen waved his hand at one of his own people and stepped to the side of Xiao Qinglong. He reached out and pinched his face and asked, "You like acting, don’t you?"
Xiaoqinglong continued to twitch.
"Ok, ha!" Fu Zhen nodded and turned around and shouted, "It’s good to detoxify the excrement and directly take it to the toilet for a while."
Xiao Qinglong was stunned and Fu Zhen turned to go. "Let Lao Zhan be in charge of judging them quickly."
After Fu Zhen left, the little white tiger still didn’t wake up and snored loudly in bed.
District military personnel went over and patted the head of the little white tiger. The other party didn’t wake up.
"Mom, does he drink too much medicine? Should I call a doctor?" District people are a little scared.
Xiao Qinglong looked at snoring and stupid. B was so angry that his lips trembled and immediately jumped out of bed and said, "Don’t let me come."
With that, Xiao Qinglong clenched his fist and punched the little white tiger’s head four times in a row, making the other person’s head look like a rattle.
This little white tiger woke up and opened his eyes absently. "Where is the trough?" Oh, I can’t remember anything … huh? Why are you wearing military uniforms here? !”
"You have so many contacts that you can do business with the director of the Sichuan Military Supervision Bureau." Xiao Qinglong killed the other mother and kicked the little white tiger’s head. "My biggest mistake was to send out … you are such a silly B!"
"Don’t check the code!" District people, the two pairs of code words resisted the interrogation, and they were given points at the first time
Xiao Qinglong shouted immediately before being taken out, "Don’t fucking think about what to say. The bigger the face, the better we will be."
The little white tiger listened to each other’s words with glassy eyes and nodded his head, saying that his meaning should be to let himself not say anything … so that it would be less for him to be dug up.
Small tsing lung got two mouth directly after being taken away.
Xiaoqinglong interrogators were quickly transferred to Laozhan, and Laozhan’s style of work was relatively direct. He personally took Xiaoqinglong to the interrogation area of the Military Intelligence Division.
Recently, the military personnel in the three major regions arrested people, and finally after screening, the important enemy spy department was transferred to Yanbei Middle School for trial.
The war has just ended, and there is a little confusion in the military intelligence departments of the three major regions. The standard interrogation rules have not yet been promulgated. Objectively speaking, these people will never get used to the enemy spy, so if the other side doesn’t talk, what torture methods will be used here.
Xiao Qinglong followed Lao Zhan’s interrogation zone for less than 200 meters, and then his "solid" belief line collapsed in an instant. He saw a large number of enemy agents being tried, and they were no longer human. They had incontinence, emotional breakdown, attempted suicide, were locked in cages, and were covered with injuries everywhere …
Too many enemy spies have been arrested, and the military and political meeting will be held soon. If the military personnel here in the three major regions can deduct more information, they may be able to avoid the tragedy. All the officers in charge of interrogation at this level of psychological bedding almost don’t treat each other as people, except psychological oppression, physical torture is even more complicated.
Xiao Qinglong really stopped and raised his hand and shouted, "Don’t look!" After seeing that he was passed by the excrement enema brothers for 200 meters.
Old Zhan turned to look at him. "What do you mean?"
"… I confessed I can say … I don’t judge" small tsing lung very wisely replied.
"Ha ha, do you think so?" Old Zhan smiled.
Xiao Qinglong sweated on his forehead and raised his hand and replied, "I am sinful!"
"Ha ha ok, let’s find a place to talk." Lao Zhan took him directly back to his office.
Before, Xiao Qinglong was a man with no political party beliefs and national beliefs. Not only did he have no loyalty to Zhou, but he didn’t feel that which of the three major regions was worth his life.
Xiaoqinglong is a simple grass-roots person who chooses to stay more for money and it is precisely because of this appeal that he can finally be caught. If this cargo is a Zhou Zhongcheng warrior, maybe he can escape.
After the psychological and emotional collapse, Xiaoqinglong revealed his heart to Old Zhan Tan, and in the process of telling him, Zhou Mi-tong also euphemistically hid a lot of dirty things about himself, pushing the main culprits to the next level.
Xiao Qinglong vomited so quickly for one purpose, that is, he didn’t want to suffer and he didn’t want to be punished.
But! ! !
Little Qinglong didn’t expect that he was once again cheated by the White Tiger Brothers and misinterpreted his meaning.
Xiao Baihu understands that Xiao Qinglong wants him to shut up and refuse to talk about it, so that the military personnel in the district can’t grasp the evidence and can’t judge what they have done before.
In the face of the cruel interrogation of Lao Zhan’s hand, the little white tiger has been a hero for more than two hours.
Zhan, who is not old enough, was punished for playing with him and deliberately playing with his little Qinglong to "explain" the situation
Xiao Qinglong’s right fingernail was pulled out by the Ministry, crying and kneeling, shouting, "I want to meet my colleague and confront him face to face!" "
in ten minutes
Xiao Qinglong Interrogator saw Xiao Baihu, who was covered in blood and his crotch was wet. His eyes were beaten red and swollen. He knelt down and said, "Brother, brother, I can’t hold on any longer … They hit me again … I must have said … I really can’t hold on!"
"pa! !”
Little tsing lung jumped up and roared with a growl. "Are you stupid? ! Who told you to insist? Huh? ! Where is this? This is the palace of hell of the regional military intelligence headquarters, understand? You still insist on your mother’s egg! Just say meritorious service and it’s over! What shall I say when I leave? Just tell me that the bigger the bite, the better. Don’t you understand this? Why is it so fucking hard for me to get along with you? !”
Small white tiger also JiYan "code which have said? ! Who can tell you the truth? !”
The night before the military and political conference
Fu Zhen walked into Ma Er’s office with a dignified step.
Chapter 26 Director Ma’s suggestion
In the office
Ma Laoer frowned after reading the report submitted by Fu Zhen and asked, "Is it confirmed?"
"I’m looking at a few miscellaneous fish who directly brought people back from the border of Xinjiang," Fu Zhenqing explained. "But I didn’t expect that they gave out very important information in the course of their description. At present, I haven’t looked at the person who specifically carried out the terrorist attack plan, but I have asked Lao Zhan and them to act."
"What about the line?" Ma laoer asked again
"The line has been locked. Let’s wait for action orders from activists in Xinjiang." Fu Zhenhui.
Ma Laoer took a long breath when he heard this and stood up and praised Fu Zhen. "You did a good job in this matter. You really have more sensitivity than ordinary people in military intelligence."
"… are long and well cultivated!" Fu Zhen has completely entered the rhythm of Sichuan people and mastered the key to climbing.

After completing the formalities, they were very happy to leave the office and turned to the chief of staff next to them and said, "These two people are a little interesting. Less than a month after the establishment of the fucking independent group, five or six hundred troops snowballed faster than when we first came to Sichuan."

"Yes," the chief of staff nodded. "I didn’t expect Dachuan and these two days were born to be suitable for pulling teams."
"Well, look at some young officers who came back from the district and select some with potential. I’m going to put them in an independent regiment. Their troops are too miscellaneous. They need orthodox officers to go in and coordinate and lead the troops in the right direction," said Li Zhanqing.
"Are you going to focus on cultivating bandit groups?"
"The hero doesn’t ask the source. Well done, I will pull him out." Li Zhan said without hesitation.
Half an hour later, the independent regiment regimental headquarters showed a abducted expression and looked at Dachuan and asked, "Why did this approve my deputy head?" I said before that the battalion-level officers were not approved at one time? "
Dachuan took a sip of tea and replied beautifully, "Brother, can’t we eat a bite of rice?" Don’t worry, I promise you that the Ministry will not break its word. "
"Well," especially the bright spot nodded.
"There’s another thing before battalion officers are approved," Okawa said with blinking eyes and bared his teeth. "Didn’t you say that there are still a group of people who may be collected? You help me with this thing. Let’s find a way to implement the independent group full plan as soon as possible. "
You Liang squinted at Dachuan and ground his teeth and said, "I have an idea."
"You are quick to say!" Dachuan nodded with great interest.
"The other party is dumping drugs and tight supplies. When they deliver goods to Sichuan, you can ask some officers to pretend to be people on the ground to find them and detain their goods …" You Liang said very seriously, "They will definitely not do it if the goods are detained. Come and reason. Then you can let the regular troops touch porcelain and charge them with attacking military units … so that they will be shot if they are not incorporated. It’s a great thing to do!"
"What a loss? !” Dachuan thick-skinned also seriously replied, "It’s all Jianghu children who will push others too hard …"
You Liang gas forehead veins stood out suddenly and violently crooked neck looked at him and said, "Dachuan, Dachuan, I finally know what you can do so well in Sichuan."
"I haven’t seen people who are more shameless than you. Do you still have the face of Jianghu children? You’re a comrade-in-arms who fought with you all the time, but you fucking treat me like a fool. "You Liang pointed to Dachuan and said," You don’t pay attention to it, you don’t live in rivers and lakes! "
"Ha ha!" Dachuan smiled. "I wasn’t one of our own at that time, but now we’re all wearing a pair of pants. Don’t say anything about this, Laoyou. Introduce me to a gang that can be incorporated."
"Battalion officers don’t arrange for me, I’m sure I can’t introduce them." You Liang waved his hand and refused.
"If you want to talk so heavily, you may have to reconsider the nature and facts of a Youwei crime …"
"fuck!" Youliang collapse
Qu Yanbei
Feng Lei immediately dialed a number after meeting his friends at the police headquarters and said in a low voice, "That’s a bit of a line. Those two people in the ninth district are not unfamiliar … Just to be on the safe side, let them shut up forever."
"white!" The other party should immediately answer one
At the same time, some military personnel of the foreign affairs department of the regional military intelligence bureau have quietly rushed to the ninth district to prepare for the arrest of the two suspects.
Chapter 243 Three bodies in one room
More than ten o’clock that night
More than 20 workers from the Foreign Affairs Department of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the District secretly arrived in Songjiang, District 9, and were picked up by Ma and Lao.
Ma Laoer of Songjiang conference room of Tuzha Street Military Supervision Bureau asked the district leader gently, "You have confirmed the whereabouts of the suspect, right?"
A major officer in the "not yet" area shook his head and replied, "We have contact with insiders and it is estimated that we will have a reply soon."
Ma Laoer nodded. "Then what do we need to cooperate with?"
"arrest ourselves, but the two people involved are likely to have top political backgrounds, and we need your help when we take them back," said the major officer.
"Good" Ma Laoer immediately replied, "Then just tell me what you need directly."
Both sides shake hands.
Ma Laoer got involved because he received Qin Yu’s words and learned that the old cat was attacked, so he would naturally give help to the district workers within his sphere of influence.
After the exchange, the district workers held a brief meeting in Songjiang conference room.
Jiuqu Fengbei
Feng Lei called Lv Fang. He is a special military intelligence officer. Feng’s troops have formal positions, but the level of logistics department is equivalent to regimental cadres
Lv Fang is a very low-key person in the ninth district. He usually doesn’t show mountains and rivers, but his hands have manipulated a large number of military personnel to do some things that are not allowed to be seen.
The two suspects are Lv Fang’s former Fengbei private law firm and Lv Fang’s inspiration. He appreciates them very much, but now that he has spoken, he has to abandon these two lovers.
There is a street named Bran Avenue in the south gate area of Fengbei City, which runs through the whole gate area almost horizontally. The buildings here are also European-style, and the people here are European immigrants. The Chinese privately call it foreigner street here.
Most of the residents in foreigner street are prominent people of European origin. Simply speaking, this is a rich area. You can live here either as an official of the nine district government agencies or as a businessman.
The two main suspects were arranged by Lv Fang, because the nine districts have promulgated special protection laws for the European population. If the general law enforcement agencies want to investigate and arrest people here, they must first say hello to the European Association, and they will first come forward to assist the law enforcement agencies in their work.
The nine-district government issued this kind of protection law because of the European population, which belongs to ethnic minorities and the nine-district is a multi-ethnic region. If you want to completely integrate, you must take care of all the emotions of the suspects, so it is difficult to infiltrate the general law enforcement units and military personnel.

"Brother Jianlou!"

Simon Cher of Yunqi River has rushed to the past in utter amazement.
At this time, Qingyun platform has already dissipated in the dark night, and one of them is slowly collecting the sword and returning to the sheath.
Looking down, he looked down and refused to disdain Yun Jian Building. "Although you and your brother are a word difference, it is a world of difference!"
Obviously, the cold thousand means that although the Yun Jian building can also display the dust of the sword, it has not been perfected after all, and the south of Yun Jian is different from the world
Yun Jian Building was seriously injured. I heard that it was blood and blood that sprayed a mouthful of congestion and then resented syncope!
Leave anxious Cher and glare at Yunqi River.
Han Qian won. He not only defeated the sword of the same order to repair the Yun Jian Building, but also deterred the quartet from trying to benefit everyone.
Now, he has been qualified as a top performer by virtue of his strength
And the cold thousand Yun Jian building has pushed the competition for Qingyun list to a climax, which also made him fight for Qingyun platform enter a key stage
Compared with the face of strong strength, it is too cold to practice, and natural reason has chosen two Qingyun platforms that are relatively good at bullying it.
Mozhuang is not weak now because of his feet and hands at the end of the world. After defeating several tempters, he stabilized the fifth Qingyun Tower. This … did not make people think.
After all, the disciples’ understanding of Mozhuang is just an academic dude, and now they don’t have much spiritual strength, and they don’t think this brother can last long.
But it’s just luck that off the charts is standing still.
And the fourth Qingyun Tower is worthy of a hundred miles of Changfeng. After defeating the full moon and the jade, the Lord has firmly established Qingyun Tower.
Although there are tentative challenges, one person can shake the position.
At this time, the competition for Qingyun Taiwan can be described as the situation gradually.
Wood Yan evil three people covers an area of most people will challenge this past dynasties Qingyun competition is also mostly the case, after all, although these three people this method blessing gas capacity, but that one by one are condensation star dzogchen! And the physical strength is the vigor, and it’s all full of nuclei … What do you think? It’s all bad.
Therefore, this is also the reason why Qingyun leaders can generally successfully stay in the Qingyun list twice in a row, and it is also the only special thing that Yanyu Pavilion gives Qingyun leaders the second competition!
After all, the real purpose of Qingyun List is to rescue Qian Shan Yuhai. If a generation of Qingyun leaders who are familiar with Qian Shan Yuhai are eliminated, once the new Qingyun leaders enter the battlefield of Qian Shan Yuhai, it means that everything is strange!
This doubt will increase the risk of fall and failure, so almost every generation of top performers will be born with a generation of top performers.
Just like the goddess Bai Lianxing is living in two worlds.
Nowadays, except for Luo Yu, Long Qiu Fei Huang, Wei You, Yu Jie and Jia Nan, almost all of the remaining practitioners have taken the stage to challenge.
That is to say, in addition to these people, there are already people who can shake the remaining three Qingyun platforms.
Of course, not to mention’ full of energy’, powerful Muyan evil three people.
Chapter 511 Qingyun Feixue to Munan Feimo Yu
The second day of Qingyun competition has already ended.
The six leaders were born when Qingyun competed for the second day.
That is to say, there are just over two hours left before the end of the competition for Qingyuntai.
At this moment, the six people in Antai will survive this short period of less than three hours, and they can proudly stand at the peak of Qingyun and be blessed by the fate of mountains and seas, which makes Tian Junjie look forward to.
However, the more intense the competition is at the last moment, the more it is beyond everyone’s imagination.
The most surprising thing is that instead of choosing Mo Zhuang and others who are relatively easy to deal with, Na Guying Zongyu Barrier chose to challenge Ning Xing dzogchen’s epiphyllum and Wei Shang!
This really makes people feel confused, and there are many people who sneer at it.
I don’t blame everyone for this. What strength do you have? Don’t you have points? Actually go to challenge Ningxing dzogchen Wei, which is humiliating and different?
But what is even more shocking is that the yoga male saint has stepped into the Qingyun platform of Yanfeixue!
Gu yingzong, the two cattle walkers, really made everyone unable to understand. Are you crazy to say that Gu yingzong is crazy?
However, after the Yun Jian Tower War, Han Qian once again defeated Wei You, and like Yunjian Tower, he defeated the magical power of sealing the ring at night.
This doubt has raised people’s awareness of cold thousand a lot.
At this moment, Wei You is depressed and drooping his head and comes to Luo Yu and others. Luo Yu asks, "Have you found anything?"
"found? Hi ~ "Wei You scratched his head and thought for a moment, then said," It’s dark, and you can’t see the gods as if they were suppressed by a cold chill … How could the Great Sage be defeated if it weren’t for this? "
Los feather lost in thought.
Beside Longqiu Feihuang doubt try to say "doubt? Are you trying to seize this station? Can be on the stage … "
Feather slightly shook his hand and he looked at the nearby Taiwan cold thousand muses, "I think … what’s wrong with this cold thousand is not white at the moment."
As he said this, he looked thoughtfully at the eye. You are hurting me. I went to the Jade Barrier to see a display array, a hundred flowers folding fan to sacrifice the fire spell. It is a good fight, but it also has its own offensive and defensive.
While the Qingyun Terrace in the Swallow Flying Snow House is unusually quiet.
He ….. It’s said that Qingyun contended for the position of male and female, but at the moment, Yan Feixue actually played chess with the yoga male saint!
Such a violation of the picture is surprising to everyone.
Luo Yu saw it and looked back at the side of Longqiu Feihuang. He mused, "At the moment, the situation is getting better and better. Although it occupies one, it consumes a lot of money. The Feihuang Shaozhu can take over the stage."
"It’s the right way to look at me." Emperor Longqiu had already made a hasty ceremony and turned away.
At this time, Baicheng looked at the back of the flying emperor in Longqiu and worried, "Will it be too early for the flying emperor to go on stage at this time?"