"What clue?" Qin Yu asked 1 words.

"Dong Liwei was shot in the neck before he died, and I didn’t catch him speaking intermittently." Jiang Xue frowned and said, "But it should be related to the assassination. He said that there was a observation place in No.13, District 9, more than 300 kilometers south of Taikang, where more than 50 officers were transferred from various units and should be strictly confidential."
Qin Yu frowned. "More than fifty people have been transferred to this observation?"
"Yes," Jiang Xue nodded slightly excitedly and said, "There are so many people transferred here that I don’t think it’s much to do with the attack on the old cat in the area. I thought of a possibility."
Qin Yuwen immediately chimed in "I feel the same with you! In this way, my horse has people investigate this No.13 military observation. "
"It must have been too late." Jiang Xue shook his head. "Dong Liwei was shot when we took him away. He himself said that someone was trying to kill him. I judged that the Taikang area had been exposed and the opposite side had reacted."
"No date, no date, let’s hit a shot first." Qin Yu paused and said, "You come back first and I’ll let people investigate. You can also check this information from Dong Liwei’s speech."
"But" Jiang Xue nodded. "Let’s fly back first."
"Okay, that’s it."
Say that finish two people ended the call.
Several trucks on a coastal highway line in Shandong are driving at top speed.
A middle-aged man in the back of the second truck rushed to his companion next to him in a cold car plate and asked, "Why did you suddenly transfer us all?"
"You don’t know?" Peer rhetorical question
"I don’t know a fart. I’ve been living in the clinic for two days with a cold and I haven’t returned to the camp." The middle-aged man shook his head
"I heard that something happened to Dong Liwei," the companion explained in a low voice. "It seems that he Taikang was stared at by the district people and would inform us to evacuate in such a hurry."
"He was stared at because of that thing? Did he get caught? " Middle-aged look nervously asked
"I don’t know about this." My companion shook his head. "But our off-duty staff were also recalled and evacuated together. This means that Dong Liwei stabbed the basket quite a lot."
"Mom B didn’t miss that, did she?" The middle-aged man muttered worriedly, "In that case, will we …?"
"It shouldn’t be authentic for us to take the lead in doing things," said the companion soothingly. "Otherwise, we wouldn’t be allowed to leave overnight."
After a long silence in middle age, he was very anxious to scold, "This Dong Liwei is really a stupid dog. He told him not to gamble and had to listen to it, which got us into trouble."
"You can make sure that you don’t make mistakes when you do more work for this person, but you can’t control others." The companion sighed, "This is life. Forget it and love it."
That night
Xiao Ge Xiao Qi and others returned to Zhongdu by plane, while Jiang Xueze was thinking about Dong Liwei in his heart, and finally gave him a clue and went directly back to the area with injuries to prepare for the fastest speed to chase this line.
Early the next morning
Liu Weiren, a military office in Songjiang Tuzha Street, District 9, sat in a small conference room sofa and frowned at Meng Xi and asked, "What do you think? !”
Meng Xi poured Liu Weiren a glass of water, bent down and asked, "You have confirmed this, haven’t you?"
"Of course I asked the staff to confirm" Liu Weiren nodded.
"Did you ask the head of the party?" Meng Xi asked
"Not yet," Liu Weiren shook his head. "He has no chance since his vacation yesterday."
"Could it be that you heard the wind and deliberately hid?"
"He dare not"
“……!” Meng Xi thought about it and stepped in and looked at Liu Weiren and said, "Well, if you say that Feng Lei contacted this colonel, I’ll ask him to come over first, and then you can have the colonel found and called him over."
"Face to face confrontation?" Liu Weiren asked
"No, let’s talk to Feng Lei first and then ask the colonel." Meng Xi answered succinctly.
"What if it’s true?"
"If it’s really the poacher at this time, our position must be the same," Meng Xi replied without hesitation.
"Ok, call Feng Lei." Liu Weiren nodded.
"Okay, I’ll call him."
Say that finish Meng Xi got up and walked to the front of the desk machine dialed Feng Lei words.
"Hey, Director Meng, what are your instructions?" Feng Lei said civilly
"Ha ha, I have something personal to worry about communicating with you-do you have time?" Meng Xi asked
"Then come to the office and let’s talk face to face."
"Good!" Feng Leishuang replied quickly.
Shen Fei, the office building of Fengbei Military Intelligence Department in District 9, hurried into an office, stretched out his hand and pushed the door and looked up and shouted "Brother!"
"What’s the matter with you? How did you make such a big mistake?" Shen Yin got up in a bit of a hurry and shouted at Shen Fei, "When I first came back, I asked you that the follow-up affairs were not handled properly. You promised me that there was no problem. Just a few days later, something happened?"
Shen Fei paused and replied, "This is really my mistake. I didn’t let the observation side manage well."
Shen Yin crossed the waist and walked back and forth for a circle, then frowned and said, "Forget it. Let’s not talk about it. Let me ask you what you plan to do next?"
"I have let them leave …"
"It’s not safe to withdraw light." Shen Yin immediately interrupted his brother with a wave.
Qu Yanbei
After treating the wound, Jiang Xue Hospital sat in the hospital bed and rushed to the military personnel to order, "First, check Dong Liwei’s resume immediately from the time he joined the army to the time he was transferred. When was he pulled out and was named? Everyone has to take care of it. Second, check for me whether his officers in the Shensha faction have been transferred two months before and after Dong Liwei’s transfer. I want company information!"
A dozen military personnel immediately saluted and shouted.

When Zhou Xingli heard this, he bluntly interrupted, "I don’t agree with this point of view. The Tengba regiment has almost lost its resistance. It doesn’t need three regiments to carry out encirclement and suppression. I think the Red Scarf Army can take the lead to eliminate them."

Zhou Xingli, the generals in a cavity, are very vocal in their hearts. Does this bite each other?
At the same time
Cocoa contacted CSS alone, and there was a dialogue with the other leader, Reed School.
Chapter DiEr692 From
Zhou Xingli refuted Feng Ji in public, which is purely helpless, because if he pretends to be dumb again, the latter will come out and let him send troops to the battlefield in the sixth district to help free fall.
What does it mean to send troops from Xiadao to attack Gu Yan?
It’s obvious. It’s just telling Westbrook that we’re all fucking at war. There are sacrifices and losses. Why have we been watching the fun that week? Who do they have two more dads than?
Feng Ji is not forbidden to go to war, but he must pull Zhou Xingli’s water before, because it is no longer necessary for both sides to get this far. No matter what Feng Ji smiles now, Lao Zhou will not forgive him for pretending that peaceful coexistence is not as good as his mother’s.
There was a fierce argument between the two sides about blocking Gu Yan’s regiment, but it was finally crushed by Westbrook.
Finally, a decision was made to neutralize Gu Yan’s regiment, and Feng Ji’s regiment and He’s regiment each provided some troops to cooperate with Xiadao’s military forces to stop Gu Yan’s regiment outside the four areas.
In this way, everyone can’t hide from this war, but on the contrary, their hearts are balanced!
Sometimes people are just like this, always holding on to old age, and you should not think about doing things with a good attitude, and this kind of consumption is the common nature of human beings.
At the end of the meeting, Li Bokang left the meeting through the toilet and sat in the lounge outside smoking.
Not long after, Xue Huaili also came out and smiled at Li Bokang and asked, "Why did you come out before?"
"… what’s the point of the Chinese Corps consuming dogs to bite dogs and letting people in the European Region be referees?" Li Bokang also said very directly that "the current advantages of the four districts cover up many of our problems".
Xue Huaili wanted to talk to Li Bokang more, but when he said this, he also insinuated his polite smile and then turned away.
Li Bokang looked at the spacious lounge and sighed, "… If we are together, we will die!"
After the meeting.
Westbrook met Feng Jihe Chong in his guest room alone, and revealed to them in his speech that the future Chinese Corps would be ruled by three parties, that is to say, it would not be dominated by Zhou Xingli, and Feng Jihe Chong would also be given the opportunity to pull out to the position of deputy commander, so that their Corps would have some autonomy.
Feng Ji He Chong was very heart-felt after hearing this, and said a lot about sincere cooperation in the first area of Europe.
However, it wasn’t long before Westbrook met with Zhou Xingli alone after the three people chatted, and euphemistically said that the current heavy Feng Ji He Chong mainly came from their excellent performance plan in Draken battlefield, which was valuable and far-sighted, but for the first EU region, the problem of Chinese Corps would still be the main problem.
Zhou Xingli’s face looked happy when he heard this, but his heart didn’t fluctuate. Because of this kind of balanced political skill, Zhou Xingli had been very skilled a hundred years ago. He knew very well that after the European Union, he would tend to rule the Chinese Corps in three ways, which was obviously unacceptable to him.
After the two sides talked, Zhou Xingli drove to his place of residence and turned to Li Bokang and asked, "What do you think of this?"
"… If the Chinese Corps doesn’t report to the regiment, we will definitely be divided after the war in the fourth district." Li Bokang said briefly, "It’s as simple as that."
"What’s the solution?"
"… let’s win first," Li Bokang said with a frown. "After winning, there are two policies: either kill Feng Ji He Chong and slowly take over their troops or privately ease the situation before it forms."
"Relaxation equals concession", Zhou Xingli said concisely, "Feng Jihe will make many demands"
Li Bokang looked at him. "You obviously have made a decision, Commander!"
"Win first!" Zhou Xingli sighed and repeated Li Bokang’s words.
Draken mountain range 53 area
Meng Xi looked at Cocoa who was packing and frowned and said, "I have arranged to send you away."
"Good" Coco nodded his head with a ponytail expression.
"I still think you’d better hide in the dark, don’t show up and send someone to contact CSS!" Meng Xi woke up.
"They’re not stupid. You manipulate people and talk about them in the past. They have no confidence." Coco replied in a low voice. "There already knows that I’m the actual controller of an old friend’s teahouse … I have to show up to push things forward."
"Then you ask questions?"
"… don’t worry about me, I know it." Coco packed up her backpack and looked up at Meng Xi and said, "If it goes well, we will do things according to the predetermined plan. If it doesn’t, you should apply to the floor to let Gu Yan turn around and return to the three major areas and completely give up support for the four areas!"
"I know what you mean!" Meng Xi nodded.
"Then I wish everything well!" Cocoa reached out to Meng Xi.
Meng Xi looked at her and nodded slowly. "Everything goes well!"
When they finished, Coco left the hiding place with his own people and was later sent to the coastline by Meng Xi’s soldiers.
In the middle of the night, the stars are shining in the sky. I looked out of the window by car, and my eyes were dull. I murmured, "I have been here for many years and suddenly I am not used to it."
One day later

The struggle for profit is bloody and cruel, and there is no humanity to speak of. For those in high positions, they often have few choices.

Waiting for every minute is suffering.
At about 7 o’clock in the evening, Chen Hui Donglai and other first advance troops will tie two guard companies from South Shanghai to North China.
When Chen Zhongqi got the news, he immediately drove to meet him with his staff class.
The motorcade met before the north military supply, and Chen Hui Donglai took the initiative to drive Chen Zhongqi’s car.
After the Big Three met, the motorcade went to General Chen’s headquarters.
Car Chen Hui said with a dignified face, "There are about 30,000 people in the city’s navy. Once we know the fire, we must ensure that these people … can’t be our opposites."
"The navy doesn’t worry that I already have plans," Chen Zhongji said in a low voice. "You just let the troops in normally, and the style here in garrison headquarters has also gathered people to talk about the collapse of the meeting … they will start work."
"Surrounding may not be able to control the situation, Commander-in-Chief. What can you do if you just don’t agree?" Dong Lai looked at Chen Zhongji darkly and asked, "Can you kill him? Can you really control the situation by killing you? "
"I also have plans in garrison headquarters, and they probably won’t move," Chen Zhongji replied in a low voice. "And as far as the current situation is concerned, many people are holding a wait-and-see attitude. If we get things done, maybe garrison headquarters will also be our end. After all, when we chose to unite with the League, they also voted in favor. Then the Sichuan government really went to town and they won’t be better."
Chen Hui Guo Donglai heard this silence.
"Tonight, there will be troops on the other side of the week," Chen Zhongji said, looking at the street scenery outside the window. "We just want a control headquarters to let the commander-in-chief pay the order of Chen Jun’s department, and then our first advance army will take the lead and then jointly kill Jun Chen with Zhou and the navy to ensure the stability of South Shanghai."
"I hope it goes well," Chen Hui replied lightly
About twenty minutes later, the motorcade was stopped, which was less than two kilometers away from the headquarters. Chen Zhongqi and others in the military control zone were told that they were allowed to bring personal guards to the meeting, and the rest of them had to wait outside the zone.
This is an old rule, and everyone was informed to let go after the guards of the two companies were reduced to 30.
The motorcade entered the control area and soon entered the headquarters compound.
At this time, Chen Zhongqi received a mobile phone message for the third time, and the other party told him again that Chen Zhongren had been waiting for the building for a long time.
They stepped into the main building and took a special passage directly into the conference room.
Jiujiang direction
Qin Yu sat at the headquarters and frowned at the calendar war and said, "Haven’t you found it yet?"
"No Jiujiang North Road is blocked by the enemy, so it’s not good for our reconnaissance unit to show off work." Li Zhan looked down at his watch. "Wait and see if the second one has any effect."
"Personally, I judge that if there is an uprising in South Shanghai tonight, I still want to get Jun Chen," Lincheng said after thinking. "After all, he is the biggest threat and the closest."
Qin Yu scratched his head and immediately picked up the phone and dialed Meng Xi’s number. "Hey, what’s the situation over there?"
"I’m ready," Meng Xi quickly replied, "… I’ll go to South Shanghai after the handsome men move."
"Okay, call me as soon as he moves."
"got it"
With that, the two ended the call, and then Qin Yuchong rushed through the war and said, "Don’t wait any longer, or I’m afraid that if you don’t, you will order the frontier troops to pull forward quickly and make a pair of offensive advances."
"white!" Nod through war
Nine o’clock in the evening
Chen Zhongren appeared at the meeting of Chen Department.
Fierce palm ring Chen Zhongren face reserved at everyone with a wave bent down to sit the theme.
"Alas, I’m here." Chen Zhongren adjusted her microphone and swept her eyes across the room. They nodded slightly and said, "You are all heroes … you have worked hard during this period."
They listened quietly and didn’t respond.
"The current situation is not very optimistic for us …" Chen Zhongren talked about a white field.
At the same time
A brigade commander of the South Shanghai North Port Garrison Camp shouted with a walkie-talkie, "Go to the headquarters secretly according to the scheduled plan!"
Nanhu port
Chen Haijun Wang’s chief of staff sent Chen Zhongqi a short message "Everything is ready".
Chapter 2536 admonition
Will Chen Zhongji quietly put away his mobile phone and continue to worship and look at his eldest brother.
Chen Zhongren also talked about the key point after the white talk. "To tell you the truth, representatives of Sichuan government have contacted me frequently recently, and they want to force me to hand over South Shanghai. Although this request is an insult to me and Chen, the reality is really bad for us. If the two sides fight hard, Jiujiang City will not play in South Shanghai."
People look solemn when they hear this.
"I also consider how much chance we can have to continue Zhou Xingli in the future. If we can’t keep South Shanghai, what kind of results will we bear? " Chen Zhongren threw out several questions, but his attitude and meaning were euphemistically expressed in his words.
When it comes to this, Chen Zhongqi and others can’t pretend to be dumb. First, Chen Hui exchanged a look and then took the lead in interrupting and said, "Commander-in-Chief, I want to say two words …!"
Chen Zhongren looked at him and made a gesture of please. "You are old!"
"My bow has no turning arrow. Now that we have completely torn our faces in Chuanfu District, it is inevitable that we can’t take the road of peace." Donglai got up and said, "From the point of view of your commander-in-chief, Lin Yaozong’s reputation on merit is less than yours. Qin Yu is even a junior. If you choose peace and are labeled as a war criminal by this group of people and sent to a military court, it will be difficult for us to wash away the shame for Chen Lai, who has a history of decades. Our honor and sacrifice will be completely trampled on. From the overall situation, we will fight for ourselves. The Ministry will fight against us. It’s not that any government wants to ensure Chen’s own interests. This is not wrong from the starting point. Now, if our department loses so much, if we choose to sum up … what about those soldiers and generals who died in battle? "
Chen Zhongren was silent.
"I think Chen is at a disadvantage, but it is not without the ability to turn the tide." Donglai continued, "To be honest, the crisis in South Shanghai mainly comes from the rebellion! If Jun Chen hadn’t led the army to revolt, the total strength of our army and Zhou Army Corps would have exceeded 400,000. Even if we couldn’t get into the northern battlefield, it wouldn’t be difficult to stick to our chassis, would it? However, Jun Chen’s rebellion directly led to the tens of thousands of troops in the main city of South Shanghai being pinned down, which led to the loss of Jiujiang City and the disadvantage of the war situation. The root cause came from Jun Chen, a traitor! If you want to protect South Shanghai, you must pay them off quickly, and South Shanghai should realize a monolithic garrison strategy to cooperate with the navy. I think Qin Yu’s current multi-line air leakage situation is that their southern battlefield is forced to fight again, and they will inevitably support Beifengkou first, and we and Zhou can completely recover this tone. "
Chen Zhongren listened to each other’s words with an expression on his face and still didn’t interrupt.
After a long silence, Guo Hui also chimed in and said, "I agree with the old view that since we have fought in Sichuan and Fujian, there is no turning back. Let’s not talk about the big picture. Dali wants to say that General Chen is in a situation of continuing to fight, and there may be a future, but he actively seeks surrender. That is the bloody fact!"
Everyone immediately whispered when they heard this. Many people agreed with Guo Hui’s point of view.
Chen Zhongren pondered for a long time and asked his brother, "What’s your attitude?"
Chen Zhongqi desk put the palm of your hand on your pants and wiped your sweat to adjust your mood and replied, "I agree with Hui and Donglai! Fight to the end. "
"Does Chen Junbu kill each other?" Chen Zhongren asked
"Commander in chief, he is a rebel! It’s not our own anymore, "Chen Zhongqi insisted." The more you get to this point, the more determined you are to take the big guy to the right path! "
Chen Zhongren stepped in and looked at him. "You mean I misled everyone?"

The plane that Wang Lei and his wife took escaped because of their proper handling.

And disasters don’t just happen every day. Many young people who have been left behind in other parts of the earth have also suffered or will soon suffer from "death accidents". Many people have died unexpectedly because of improper handling.
Wang Leiyuan’s behind-the-scenes people will kill them by means of "map cannon", but they didn’t think that the other side was a "special deputy"
The reaper’s Lord God asked one side, also noting all this, the sweeper’s Lord God said
"I didn’t see the play beforehand. Did you?"
"Me neither!"
Wang Lei was wrong about this, secretly noting all this, and the two main gods also guessed wrong. They knew this beforehand.
After discovering this, the two planes can’t be equal to being gods. The "main gods" all set off waves in their hearts.
It’s not only admiration for Wang Lei’s beautiful response to the law of causation, but also a pleasure to see an "unexpected" surprise beyond the master’s "complete control"
Wang Lei is the key!
Both the Lord gods agree with this view.
But the sweeper with home advantage found another new paradox through the core of PQ16 plane.
"Chengshazhi is pregnant!"
Chapter 33 Life and death
Manipulated by the Lord God for many times, the senior Lord God constantly shuttled through different worlds to carry out various kinds of activities. In this process, they had no less contact with the local aborigines. In several cycles, it often happened that the reincarnation met with the world plane and fell in love with their lovers, such as rolled sheets, and it also happened that the reincarnation was mixed with the senior plane and the plane bed rolled sheets.
But in the past few centuries, no one has succeeded in getting pregnant in this process
The reason is simple: the combination of two planes gives birth to a new crystal, which is forbidden by the "rules". The person who implements the rules is the god who secretly manipulates the plane.
The life in Chengshazhi’s belly was born not long ago when she and Wang Leijun were combined in the shower car. It is less than four hours now. At present, it is still a fertilized egg swimming in the fallopian tube, which has just undergone the first cell division after fertilization and has not even entered the women’s palace.
This life is so weak at this time that his father Wang Lei, the man who is the best at sensing the law of life on earth, has not sensed it, but he has been watching the couple’s movements and the two main gods have noticed it.
"What plane is not allowed to have children?"
"What plane and plane are not allowed to have the crystallization of life? Is there anything hidden in this? "
Whether it is the reaper god or the sweeper god, there are huge waves in my heart at this moment.
The birth of this life is a BUG for the master to make rules.
Monitor the plane and don’t allow them to crystallize! This executor is jointly executed by the high-level reaper God and the low-level indigenous God, but the sweeper God has not accepted this instruction.
If it used to be the reaper god or the sweeper god to carry out the "judgment" and "restart" of the plane, even if the plane became pregnant during the process, it would be wiped out by the indigenous god according to the rules for the first time.
And the higher reaper god is responsible for preventing this life from being born, and the second firewall has accepted the same instruction.
But PQ16 plane is not the indigenous god. He gave up his plane and escaped. The first firewall was not from the beginning.
Once upon a time, Wang Lei and Yarn Weaving had children because the second firewall, the PQ reaper God, still controlled the world. According to the rules, he kept secretly preventing them from having children on this plane.
If the PQ God himself is "forced" to carry out this "judgment day", Wang Lei and Chengshazhi still have the crystallization of future generations.
However, on the judgment day, the executor has become a higher-level five-line sweeper God. He did not receive such a rule instruction, but the PQ reaper God, who used to control PQ16, recovered all his power according to the "rules" because he was also experiencing "judgment" and "cleaning", making PQ16 a plane without a god.
All firewalls that prevent the plane from having descendants due to the negligence of the master are no longer there.
Because a paradox was not solved in time, more new paradoxes were finally born.
At this time, the eyes of the two gods have been firmly fixed on the plane sitting in the driver’s seat, where the new life is now a fertilized egg with only two cells
But in the eyes of the two gods, this new life is of extraordinary significance.
Life and death in all plane worlds are controlled by the God who secretly rules the world.
After death, the soul returns to the Lord God. Usually, the Lord God will "smash" the world and restore the soul for the first time, and the most basic materials will be scattered in the void, making it a part of the "law" of the world.
This is the process of "death"
The birth process is another situation.
In many human eyes, life should be born at the moment when the baby leaves the mother and the umbilical cord is cut.
But in the eyes of the Lord God, life was born earlier. At that moment, he broke through the combination of cell membrane and egg. At that moment, the law of life came from the combination of male life and female life. In this process, the law was wonderful, compared with the "law reaction", which absorbed the substance that constituted the soul base from the virtual and then gave birth to a new soul.
This is the process of "living"
This is how life and death are repeated in all the multiverses.
But not all the birth and destruction of life follow this cycle completely.
There are exceptions, and the soul will receive special treatment, which is even more directly contrary to this cycle.
The former, such as the reincarnation of the Lord God, when they die in execution, the Lord God will protect their souls and then recast the flesh to "live" again according to the situation.
Wang Lei is the best example of the latter. He also violated the law of "life" in the process of being born in this world. He was born with his own complete soul and even memories.
The reaper said to the sweeper
"The so-called plane is the crystal of all the laws that make up a plane. Two lives, a man and a woman, have their own life laws that collide with each other by means of the combination of sperm and eggs, and then a new soul is born."
The sweeper replied, "the law stands for everything. Everything is the law! This is that truth that all the Lord God know. "
The reaper asked, "What do you think will happen if the two-plane crystal law is combined?"
The sweeper replied, "I am responsible for clearing away destruction. I have never done such a thing."
The reaper said, "In the past few generations, I have destroyed more than 1,000 such newly born souls according to the master’s compulsion, and more than 50 of them are the crystallization of these two planes in the past six years."
"Then you must know what this crystallization will be?"
The reaper god regrets tunnel "the answer is I don’t know! I don’t know what this mandatory command is because it is destructive and forbidden to touch, but I think it must be what the master is most afraid of, and now the crystallization comes from the paradox plane law crystallization and another plane crystallization. Do you know what this means? "
The sweeper’s Lord God said, "A greater paradox was born!"

This student is different from other students. He is a "special person" in the school and Bai Zi comes from the same world. Those people in Chen Heng are arrogant in front of the second, third and fourth people in the school, but they have become grandchildren in front of the special people in the paradise.

The "special person" student said with a smile, "This pet also knows a lot of postures. MP354 demonstrates several postures."
When MP354 heard the command, her cold face suddenly became charming, her eyes turned red with water vapor, and she showed a very tempting gesture. She gently unbuttoned her clothes in front of all the nobles and lured them up.
"Gee, I want to buy one too."
A few noble students showed interest, but a few of them were not very interested. These people were either tired of playing with the beauty of the second yuan or were already not interested in women.
But whether they are interested or not, they should be able to smile and pretend to be interested when facing special people.
“MP354? Let me have a look. "
At this time, a student suddenly came up with a tease and a smile, and immediately disdained "But you are not as good as my new buyer, Xiao Yu."
Similarly, this student is also a "special person" in the school. His head is slightly shorter than the former, which shows that others are "nobles" with different identities. The special logo is wearing a bauhinia logo on the left chest of the school.
Behind him, an angel with a pair of white wings came over and squatted like a puppy, posing as a fawning dog.
Suddenly, several nobles who were not interested in MP354 before flashed their eyes, and the nobles also showed satisfied smiles.
"I also have something amazing about this model. The strength of MP354 is weak. Give him a lesson." The tall young man in front of me was upset when he saw the limelight and ordered the MP354.
Suddenly, the MP354 suddenly turned into a cold figure from that slut’s appearance, and suddenly jumped from the ground, with his knees shining like an angel’s pet throat, and his head was kicked off and blood spilled all over the floor.
Chapter 54 Special World (2)
"damn it"
Angels spoil the owner’s face, and it is very unpleasant to scold him. He gave the tall nobleman a hard look. "Is this necessary?"
"I’ll just pay you another one. What’s the big deal?" The tall aristocrat sneered.
"I haven’t seen enough."
"Forget it, I’ll book one for fun later."
The aristocratic students next to them showed a disappointing look, but only one showed the same eroticism, and they ignored the lives of third-and fourth-class people. It was never worth anything to them to spoil them.
"Forget it. I heard that Blue has researched all the new models of little boys. How about you help me get one?"
Angels spoil the master’s body and never look at it again, but say to the fat noble student.
"Say something big," the tall noble student said otherwise.
Seeing this scene, Chusisi’s eyes can’t help but show a trace of disgust, and his pace can’t help but accelerate.
Not all people in this world, like the nobility, don’t treat people’s lives and deaths as the same thing. It is always uncomfortable to see a living person who is exactly like a human being killed like a toy.
But it’s not comfortable to return to it, even in the eyes of slum people, it’s far from being loved. In the final analysis, it’s just that it looks similar to people.
Wang Lei sighed in his heart that this situation in the world is not something he can change for the time being.
He has already seen the ugliness of nobles these days, and their "special people" also regard human life as dirt.
When teasing third-and fourth-class people, these nobles are very temperate. On weekdays, they are bossing around and beating them at will, which is still light.
When Bai Zi was in Wang Lei’s class, the aristocratic students still knew a little about convergence, but Bai Zi sometimes didn’t go to school. At that time, the aristocratic students would bully the third and fourth class more fiercely
Besides, whether there are such kind nobles as Bai Zi in aristocratic schools and other classes may not be possible.
It’s almost outrageous to treat people like this to the third and fourth class. Maybe it’s because they are in a bad mood. The aristocratic students will abuse their own people wantonly. When chatting, they will casually instruct their own people to spoil and kill them. The aristocratic students will spoil and play, and the owner will never rest assured of this kind of thing.
Or what good things can we expect students to do when they grow up like this?
Wang Lei deeply feels that these noble students are cancer … not only them, but also those who live at the top of the class they represent in the paradise area. They are all cancer of the world.
What is even more frightening is that this cancer has grown too big to be removed.
Soon after, they finally arrived at the museum. It was almost time when Wang Lei heard some sounds and frowned and turned around directly. "Let’s go back."
"What? Aren’t we going in? "Chusisi doesn’t understand.
Wang Lei pointed not far away, suggesting that something was happening there.
Then Chusisi heard an ambiguous sound coming from the museum. There seemed to be quite a lot of men and women. After a little glance inside, he saw a group of noble students and their respective pets holding an open-air shelter meeting.
Wang Leiyu, these noble students are simply eroded to the bone, and they dare to do so in school. If their family still doesn’t know how extravagant they can be.
"Don’t teachers care about these bastards?"
Chusisi asked discontentedly.
Compared with those noble students, Chu Sisi, a quasi-noble, has not been contaminated with that "aristocratic atmosphere" for the time being. If she is really promoted to the aristocratic class, can she resist this rotten temptation?
"Probably afraid to take care of it."
Wang Lei has seen too many outstanding figures fall on their way up, and there are many such figures in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history. Too many of them are better than Chusisi, and finally they fall to unimaginable heights.
Wang Lei led a group of mud legs to overthrow the Tatar Qing Dynasty and took China to the peak for decades. After that, the couple succeeded in sealing the gods with Chinese luck. In the last few years, the so-called "meritorious aristocrats" women who ruled the country also showed various signs of decay and degeneration.
At that time, it was the beginning of the new dynasty, and the first generation of leaders also attached great importance to the education foundation of the first generation. In addition, strongmen like Wang Lei and his wife forced the second generation to suppress those who were not daring to do anything wrong, but a small number of degenerates were already very unbearable.
It is not surprising that this world with extremely developed science and technology has been running steadily for hundreds of years, with serious class solidification and worrying life.

Then there was another burst of sadness and a rant about the bad menstruation of the three brothers outside.

However, I found that the ring originally owned by my ancestors had such a function. I was a little disappointed and nodded at Immortal and smiled at my lovely nephew.
Into the magic sword living room road Li Chengzhu got some news from Sixth Martial Uncle.
There are about 12,000 brothers of the three factions. It seems that the forces behind the three factions in Li Chengzhu have already dispatched these three factions with a little fighting power.
And Li Chengzhu didn’t come. During this period, three brothers surrounded the Magic Sword Sect from time to time to harass them. When they encountered stubborn resistance, they withdrew and retreated. During this period, nearly 100 brothers have died, and all the brothers are in panic. If the situation cannot be reversed in a short time, the magic sword Sect will break up.
The strength behind them can’t surprise these things, but Li Chengzhu can’t help it.
In the whole world of cultivating immortals, the remaining Acacia Sect and Magic Sword Sect have not been wooed by the three major forces. If you want to increase your power, you must have a firm and powerful power training base.
For immortals, there is no better breeding ground than Xiuxian Sect.
If you solve the magic sword crisis beautifully and cleanly this time, your uncles will definitely take refuge in yourself after they become immortal.
So are those brothers.
Chapter 22 Sneak attack on prisoners
After chatting with Sixth Martial Uncle, Li Chengzhu realized that Magic Sword Sect now has less than 2,000 brothers.
Moreover, most of them are in the combination period, and the out-of-body period and distraction period account for the vast majority.
Thinking about the weak fellow disciples who have been repairing, Boss Li suddenly felt that he was tall, and he had been hit hard for days, and his self-confidence accumulated and swelled, even shaking when he walked.
After Li Chengzhu arrived at Magic Sword Sect, he was asked for information, and his brother came back to report that three brothers ten miles away were retreating.
Half a day later, my brother will report that the three brothers have camped 50 miles away from the magic sword Sect
Magic sword sect several ShiShu looked at Li Chengzhu eyes more hot.
I hope so. That is to say, in a desperate situation, I will retreat a thousand troops by myself.
The siege crisis of Magic Sword Sect is temporarily relieved, and the nerves have not rested for many days. Martial uncles feel more tired when they relax at the moment, and so does the younger brothers with less than 2,000 heads.
You’re welcome to sue Li Chengzhu for a crime. Magic Sword Sect left four martial uncles to guard, and everyone went to meditate and recover.
Magic Sword Clan Hall Over the years, Magic Sword Clan has been more lonely and squeezed than Albizia Clan. This entertaining living room looks a little old and pedantic.
Boss Li touched Ba and meditated. Several bodyguards each took a bowl of tea and drank leisurely. Luo Sihai glanced at Li Chengzhu from time to time to find some clues or his ideas from him.
"What about Zhuxian?" Beauty’s granduncle is always in danger. Although the three brothers were beaten by Li Chengzhu, they have now withdrawn from 50 miles away, but it is not the way out. It is really detrimental to the title of Magic Sword Sect.
What’s more, this 12,000-head vanguard is a bait for harassment and lure the snake out of the hole.
Li Chengzhu also has a headache now. That’s more than 10,000 people killed outside the door? It’s detrimental to Tianhe’s morality. Can’t you hold your heel and not kill? On the Magic Sword Sect, neither Li Chengzhu nor others can swallow this tone.
Li Chengzhu at that time some hesitation.
Hearing the beauty granduncle’s question, Boss Li hung a wry smile.
Liu, a big man, killed the tea urn in the cup and said angrily, "Xian Chang, I’ll kill them."
Luo Badao squinted at the corner of Liu Sanbiao’s eye with a smile. This big guy is still not angry. He lost a while when he secretly competed for the magic weapon power. Now he can’t wait to think of killing a few people to get back.
"Kill is to kill, but you have to keep your feet steady." Li Chengzhu gently buckled the chair handle and frowned.
The other party just wants this absolute overwhelming number to lead to the immortal’s hand on their side so that they can have an excuse to manage the socket.
Li Chengzhu, although it doesn’t matter that the other party uses this childish strategy to see through it at a glance, is not willing to walk directly into this trap like this.
If only there were any way to get them to take the initiative.
"Bullying" Li Chengzhu turned to kill God "Did you feel any strong pressure just now? For example, Jin Xian picks the golden fairy? "
Luo Badao shook his head slowly.
Wu Rui frowned and asked, "Do you think those immortals are hidden among those 10 thousand people?"
"Yes," Li Chengzhu nodded. If those people want to do something to themselves, they must observe it closely and then look for opportunities. It is impossible to hide in the distance.
Luo Sihai picked his eyebrows and said, "Li Xiong, although I have such doubts, I didn’t feel the strong pressure fluctuation."
"squeak!" The little thing leaned out from Wan Yue’s chest and called two with disdain.
Boss Li smiled and didn’t feel it, but it doesn’t mean that he didn’t speculate on himself and add something sensitive. He can be sure that there are definitely many high-level immortals hidden in the pile of immortals, spying on his side. If the bodyguards behind him just now made moves, those people definitely came out and killed themselves unprepared.
And they didn’t make moves. On the one hand, they feared the real strength of their bodyguards. On the other hand, they even killed themselves with a few people in such a bold way.
Whether it was the Heaven Guards or the Shangdu business group forces who first came to their own request, but one army was wiped out and two people escaped from the other side, it is impossible for them to make moves if they can’t spy out the strength of their own department and have absolute confidence in taking their own words.
And acacia Zong Zheng is under siege? Li Chengzhu, hey hey, sneer at the theory of what kind of forces will definitely put the main force on acacia Zong’s side, while the opponent on magic sword Zong’s side is most likely to play a role in containing himself … and those powerful bodyguards.
"In terms of numbers, we have no advantage, and we are extremely inferior. We can’t attack and defend, and we can’t shoot first." How can we fight this battle with a depressed face when picking roses at night?
Wu Rui smiled and stretched out his hand to Li Chengzhu for a move. Boss Li quickly posted his ear.
Li Chengzhu corner saw several people set up their ears when they were seated.
After listening to the beautiful granduncle’s plan, Li Chengzhu gave a thumbs up, which was almost the same as what he thought, but Wu Rui’s idea was more kind than himself.
After all, it’s a woman. Li Chengzhu has a dark sigh in his heart
However, once again, Li Chengzhu decided to accept Wu Rui’s opinion when he thought that he had suffered such a powerful doom because of killing too many people.
When it got dark, Boss Li and others disappeared. Jiang Ziyin was alone in the magic sword Sect, not to mention that his nephew and even his third brother and uncle were gone. The only one left was Luo Sihai.
When Jiang Ziyin went to ask, Luo Sihai smiled and said that he didn’t know.
Did these people go to sneak attack three factions? Jiang Zi-yin’s heart is happy and sad at the same time. There are teachers and nephews, and the magic sword Sect will definitely be safe. The worries are those who follow the teachers and nephews, but if the immortals intervene in this matter, they will definitely be reviled by the cultivation of immortals, and then the magic sword Sect will be destroyed.
Boss Li went to sneak attack on the game-writing protocol ring, which contained several bodyguards who followed him, but he wanted to sneak attack on those who cultivated immortality for himself, and they didn’t have to do it.
Li Chengzhu even suddenly poured out a large number of higher immortals when he attacked himself.
The dim night is a good time for meditation to recover.
Li Chengzhu shoulders against the little thing, which guides and hides the three camps where cats walk around their waist.
More than 12,000 people talk about how dense the station is, and the area is not small.
Boss Li’s goal is to stay away from those hidden higher immortals and cultivate immortals.
There are too many people and chaos in the three factions. Who can recognize who it is? Li Chengzhu conjured up other people’s appearance again. Although several people glanced at him with their eyes open, they were deceived by his evil smile.
Slowly walked to a place where about two hundred people gathered to see hundreds of heads appeared with a wave of Li Chengzhu’s hand.
When those cultivators haven’t shouted, every two people will deal with one who will directly bring these cultivators down and out and then be taken back by Li Chengzhu again.
The scene is wide open, leaving those residual chaotic pressures in the air.
Jiang Ziyin didn’t rest all night. On the one hand, he wanted to drag his brothers with magic swords to help his teachers and nephews. There were no cowards. After two hundred years of decline, staying with magic swords was more loyal. It was this time that he was besieged by three brothers, which completely broke the hope. If they saw that Li Chengzhu brought a glimmer of light, they would definitely become brave soldiers. Jiang Ziyin was convinced of this.
But on the other hand, Jiang Ziyin hesitated a little.
My nephew didn’t tell himself that he was going to sneak attack. What if he wasn’t? Even if I rushed over with all my brothers, I could not return safely.

At five o’clock in the afternoon, a sound square sounded in everyone’s mind at the same time.

"Give you ten seconds to make the final choice. Raise your right hand if you obey my will! And those who are delusional and persist in opposing me can do nothing. "
To maintain order, the military and police raised their hands in unison for the first time, and then most of the news reporters also raised their hands in a hurry, while most of the "Notre Dames" gathered from all over the country did nothing, and a few people hesitated to raise their hands.
Ten seconds passed in the blink of an eye
Bang, the explosion sounded tens of thousands of sounds from different places at the same time.
More than 30,000 protesters gathered in the Parliament Square in Paris, France. The "spontaneous fire" part of the square exploded into blood foam like tomato juice. The whole square instantly turned into a red blood pool. Hell is not only these protesters, but even a few people who raised their hands slowly and forgot to respond at that moment exploded into thick "pulp juice".
Paris is a corner where the Lord God cleans the ball.
On that day, a large number of "die-hard" religious figures from all continents in Asia, Africa, Latin America refused to change their positions, claiming that the God of the Earth was an evil god, an evil priest or a certain sect, and all of them burst into blood in front of several believers at this moment.
On that day, more than 10 million people in the world were obliterated by the Lord God in the same way, including the leaders of diehard pope in various religious factions.
Speculators who are willing to convert to have it both ways are completely ill
From this day on, all religions on the earth perished. After that day, there was only one religion on the earth, that is, the newly born "main religion"
The divided earth was unified by the inhuman power of the Lord God in a few days.
Then the day when the light ball of the Lord God came to the earth was even designated as the "birthday of God" by all countries.
[End of volume]
Volume II
Chapter I Kingdom of God
On the tenth day after God’s birthday, two women and one man entered the gate of Xihai Civil Affairs Bureau.
The woman is Bai Yan’s sister, and the man is Bai Yan’s husband, Fang Yang Bai Ye, who accompanied her cousin to handle the divorce with her brother-in-law.
The collapse of Bai Yan’s marriage at such a rapid rate is also closely related to the arrival of the Lord God on the birthday of God.
Bai Yan asked the God a question that she couldn’t let go before being sent to the God’s light ball on God’s birthday.
"What is the situation in Wang Lei now?"
The Lord God told her openly that Bai Yan was very sad after learning that Wang Lei had been abandoned in an extremely dangerous world in Wang Lei.
At that time, the Lord God told Chairman Huang Shenyuan that the countdown from the previous day was originally intended to issue an assassination aimed at PQ16 plane, with the aim of killing those who were sent away from PQ17 Earth according to the Troyi Plan.
However, the Troy plan has been smashed by Wang Lei PQ16 flour, which has been cancelled, but Wang Lei has also been locked by PQ Lord God and brought back to this good "double Lord God" without telling the truth. From a king’s thunder body, he was given a death.
At that time, Bai Yan was very sad and comforted her. Her cousin Bai Ye made a request to the Lord God to send her and her cousin directly home.
The Lord God generously agreed, but it was a disastrous request.
When Bai Yan Bai Ye was sent back to their home in Xihai City, she accidentally saw Bai Yan’s husband Fang Yangzheng’s bed naked with another woman, rolled sheets, who was also naked. As a result, they suddenly appeared and caught the bed on the spot.
So this marriage also went to the end.
Ten days later, Bai Yan and her husband went through the divorce procedure with the Civil Affairs Bureau. The Bai family has a lot of influence in Xihai City, but Bai Yan’s husband and she are also the door to a senior official. When they divorced, they didn’t make any big deal, so they broke up seemingly "amicably".
After the divorce order was completed, Bai Ye took her cousin’s arm and left the Civil Affairs Bureau first, while her ex-husband Fang Yang lagged behind for several minutes.
Fang Yang walked out of the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau and a red Mercedes came over. The female driver who stopped at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau was his "mistress". The female driver’s face was swollen and covered with scars. It was the result of being beaten by Bai Ye when he was caught in bed that day. Now Bai Ye has changed for more than 100 days. The devil’s special training has made her have the ability to compete with the special forces in hand-to-hand combat. Where is her opponent? If Bai Yan didn’t stop the woman at that time, she was almost killed on the spot.
As soon as Fang Yang pulled the door in, there were a few uniformed people around him. They surrounded the Mercedes, then pulled the door and showed the arrest warrant to drive the couple out of the car, and then they were handcuffed together.
Fang Yang and his "mistress" were arrested on charges of "breaking the military marriage"-after the third EMP shock, Bai Yan, who was disconnected, was officially incorporated into the military.
Another car, Bai Yan, said to her cousin, "I’m done with him. Don’t make trouble."
Bai Ye said with a smile, "Don’t worry, cousin, I won’t meddle."
Bai Yan shook her head. "I don’t believe it. You’ve never saved the oil lamp. It’s over. Don’t make trouble again."
Bai Ye disdain "that kind of second-generation gigolo left my cousin. Are you still young and afraid that no man wants it? Think at the beginning that small is very good at that time, he was so obsessed with you … Well, I’m sorry, I won’t say it … "
Is car Bai Ye see cousin look a little dim to shut up.
"concentrate on the car and don’t talk about it!"

The outdoor iron gate was pushed by a man in a military uniform and came in with his hand behind his back and said, "Welcome to the special case investigation department of the District Military Supervision Bureau!"

Small tsing lung heard this instant Meng b cold sweat to stay.
"… the rain Chen brothers to za the whole cup …!" The little white tiger fell into bed, snoring and moaning.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-nine The secret code
Just as Xiao Qinglong Meng forced his brother Chen to step in from the outside and look back at him.
"Let me introduce you-this is Chief Fu Zhen, Director of the Secret Operations Department of the Sichuan Military Supervision Bureau and Chief of the District Special Case Investigation Section!" The military personnel in the district introduced a pair of earthquakes with great arrogance.
Xiao Qinglong was numb. He remembered that he didn’t drink much last night, but now he can’t remember what happened after drinking. When he opened his eyes, he was here and his head ached badly.
Fu Zhen looked at Xiao Qinglong’s expression and was very pleased. He had a feeling of crushing each other from IQ, then stepped forward with his back and bowed his head and said, "You military personnel can’t drink alcohol this week. Do you sleep at the touch?"
Small tsing lung forehead braved the fine sweat suppressed along while after plump a lie on the bed and twitched up directly.
"Come on, he seems to have swallowed poison." The officer next to Fu Zhen immediately shouted
"Don’t move!" Fu Zhen waved his hand at one of his own people and stepped to the side of Xiao Qinglong. He reached out and pinched his face and asked, "You like acting, don’t you?"
Xiaoqinglong continued to twitch.
"Ok, ha!" Fu Zhen nodded and turned around and shouted, "It’s good to detoxify the excrement and directly take it to the toilet for a while."
Xiao Qinglong was stunned and Fu Zhen turned to go. "Let Lao Zhan be in charge of judging them quickly."
After Fu Zhen left, the little white tiger still didn’t wake up and snored loudly in bed.
District military personnel went over and patted the head of the little white tiger. The other party didn’t wake up.
"Mom, does he drink too much medicine? Should I call a doctor?" District people are a little scared.
Xiao Qinglong looked at snoring and stupid. B was so angry that his lips trembled and immediately jumped out of bed and said, "Don’t let me come."
With that, Xiao Qinglong clenched his fist and punched the little white tiger’s head four times in a row, making the other person’s head look like a rattle.
This little white tiger woke up and opened his eyes absently. "Where is the trough?" Oh, I can’t remember anything … huh? Why are you wearing military uniforms here? !”
"You have so many contacts that you can do business with the director of the Sichuan Military Supervision Bureau." Xiao Qinglong killed the other mother and kicked the little white tiger’s head. "My biggest mistake was to send out … you are such a silly B!"
"Don’t check the code!" District people, the two pairs of code words resisted the interrogation, and they were given points at the first time
Xiao Qinglong shouted immediately before being taken out, "Don’t fucking think about what to say. The bigger the face, the better we will be."
The little white tiger listened to each other’s words with glassy eyes and nodded his head, saying that his meaning should be to let himself not say anything … so that it would be less for him to be dug up.
Small tsing lung got two mouth directly after being taken away.
Xiaoqinglong interrogators were quickly transferred to Laozhan, and Laozhan’s style of work was relatively direct. He personally took Xiaoqinglong to the interrogation area of the Military Intelligence Division.
Recently, the military personnel in the three major regions arrested people, and finally after screening, the important enemy spy department was transferred to Yanbei Middle School for trial.
The war has just ended, and there is a little confusion in the military intelligence departments of the three major regions. The standard interrogation rules have not yet been promulgated. Objectively speaking, these people will never get used to the enemy spy, so if the other side doesn’t talk, what torture methods will be used here.
Xiao Qinglong followed Lao Zhan’s interrogation zone for less than 200 meters, and then his "solid" belief line collapsed in an instant. He saw a large number of enemy agents being tried, and they were no longer human. They had incontinence, emotional breakdown, attempted suicide, were locked in cages, and were covered with injuries everywhere …
Too many enemy spies have been arrested, and the military and political meeting will be held soon. If the military personnel here in the three major regions can deduct more information, they may be able to avoid the tragedy. All the officers in charge of interrogation at this level of psychological bedding almost don’t treat each other as people, except psychological oppression, physical torture is even more complicated.
Xiao Qinglong really stopped and raised his hand and shouted, "Don’t look!" After seeing that he was passed by the excrement enema brothers for 200 meters.
Old Zhan turned to look at him. "What do you mean?"
"… I confessed I can say … I don’t judge" small tsing lung very wisely replied.
"Ha ha, do you think so?" Old Zhan smiled.
Xiao Qinglong sweated on his forehead and raised his hand and replied, "I am sinful!"
"Ha ha ok, let’s find a place to talk." Lao Zhan took him directly back to his office.
Before, Xiao Qinglong was a man with no political party beliefs and national beliefs. Not only did he have no loyalty to Zhou, but he didn’t feel that which of the three major regions was worth his life.
Xiaoqinglong is a simple grass-roots person who chooses to stay more for money and it is precisely because of this appeal that he can finally be caught. If this cargo is a Zhou Zhongcheng warrior, maybe he can escape.
After the psychological and emotional collapse, Xiaoqinglong revealed his heart to Old Zhan Tan, and in the process of telling him, Zhou Mi-tong also euphemistically hid a lot of dirty things about himself, pushing the main culprits to the next level.
Xiao Qinglong vomited so quickly for one purpose, that is, he didn’t want to suffer and he didn’t want to be punished.
But! ! !
Little Qinglong didn’t expect that he was once again cheated by the White Tiger Brothers and misinterpreted his meaning.
Xiao Baihu understands that Xiao Qinglong wants him to shut up and refuse to talk about it, so that the military personnel in the district can’t grasp the evidence and can’t judge what they have done before.
In the face of the cruel interrogation of Lao Zhan’s hand, the little white tiger has been a hero for more than two hours.
Zhan, who is not old enough, was punished for playing with him and deliberately playing with his little Qinglong to "explain" the situation
Xiao Qinglong’s right fingernail was pulled out by the Ministry, crying and kneeling, shouting, "I want to meet my colleague and confront him face to face!" "
in ten minutes
Xiao Qinglong Interrogator saw Xiao Baihu, who was covered in blood and his crotch was wet. His eyes were beaten red and swollen. He knelt down and said, "Brother, brother, I can’t hold on any longer … They hit me again … I must have said … I really can’t hold on!"
"pa! !”
Little tsing lung jumped up and roared with a growl. "Are you stupid? ! Who told you to insist? Huh? ! Where is this? This is the palace of hell of the regional military intelligence headquarters, understand? You still insist on your mother’s egg! Just say meritorious service and it’s over! What shall I say when I leave? Just tell me that the bigger the bite, the better. Don’t you understand this? Why is it so fucking hard for me to get along with you? !”
Small white tiger also JiYan "code which have said? ! Who can tell you the truth? !”
The night before the military and political conference
Fu Zhen walked into Ma Er’s office with a dignified step.
Chapter 26 Director Ma’s suggestion
In the office
Ma Laoer frowned after reading the report submitted by Fu Zhen and asked, "Is it confirmed?"
"I’m looking at a few miscellaneous fish who directly brought people back from the border of Xinjiang," Fu Zhenqing explained. "But I didn’t expect that they gave out very important information in the course of their description. At present, I haven’t looked at the person who specifically carried out the terrorist attack plan, but I have asked Lao Zhan and them to act."
"What about the line?" Ma laoer asked again
"The line has been locked. Let’s wait for action orders from activists in Xinjiang." Fu Zhenhui.
Ma Laoer took a long breath when he heard this and stood up and praised Fu Zhen. "You did a good job in this matter. You really have more sensitivity than ordinary people in military intelligence."
"… are long and well cultivated!" Fu Zhen has completely entered the rhythm of Sichuan people and mastered the key to climbing.


After 12 hours.
Four cars parked outside a food and lodging shop near the public port pier in the planning area of the southwest coastline.
Xu Yang came from the car wearing a military coat and yawned. "Can he arrange a boat to go to sea here?"
"Yes," Cai Ge nodded. "You can go to sea with the cargo ship for one hundred yuan."
"Ha ha is quite expensive," Xu Yang replied with a smile.
"This place is mixed with businessmen or ordinary people who pull sea goods. Who will come?" Brother Cai replied softly, "There are no passenger ships in this place. They are cargo ships."
"All right," Xu Yang nodded and replied, "Stay here for a while and board the island when there is a boat."
Voice down twenty people carrying luggage carrying a bag into the accommodation shop.
Puerto Ple is a self-developed public trade harbor, which is surrounded by the sea for eating. People in the planning area want to go to the sea, and the people here are more moderate and prosperous compared with other places. Moreover, it may be the highest temperature place in the Arab League region, and it can reach about 0 degrees during the day. Although it is often snowed under the influence of the big environment, it is much more comfortable than other places.
Xu Yang and others choose a large-scale accommodation shop, including more than a dozen bungalows, three places on the second floor and a three-storey main building. A hotel in the fast-moving area is big and business is booming. Many off-road vehicles parked outside the courtyard look very lively.
It was already late when everyone entered the store, and it was dark, but there were not few people in the main restaurant with seven tables.
"Hey, hello, boss, we are a restaurant and a hotel, right?" The waiter came over and asked in less standard Mandarin.
"Yes," Xu Yang nodded with a smile. "Twenty of us live here all night and go out to sea early."
"Good that how many rooms? We have two people and four people here. "
"Four people," Cai Ge answered. "You can’t earn a few for a trip, so save it."
"Good," the other person asked, "Then we should check in first and then order?"
After the two sides talked, the staff took the people to the second floor next to them, and then Xu Yang and others put the urgent luggage in the room and ate on the same floor.
Twenty people were divided into two tables and sat near the door.
"Ha ha, the seafood in this place is not expensive." Cai Ge sat next to Xu Yang and said with a smile, "This fucking meal is not coming without hundreds of dollars."
"Well, it’s quite fresh." Xu Yang nodded
When everyone was chatting, the cotton curtain at the main entrance of the restaurant was picked, and six men in down leather jackets came in. The leader was around 30 years old and looked very energetic.
Xu Yang’s habitual glance at the door was boring.
Personnel to meet to talk to each other.
Not long after, these six people were sitting near the window, and a young man suddenly said, "If you answer it, you will be tired of it."
Xu Yang next to hear each other one leng looked back at them.
"South Shanghai dialect" Cai Ge Xu Yang ear said 1.
"What did he say?" Xu yang asked
"He said it’s too dirty and disgusting here." Brother Cai knows a little about everything on the ground.
Xu Yang light is wrinkly to knit the brows side head and glanced at the six men.
The leader at the next table immediately woke up in a low voice and said, "Don’t speak Mandarin so much."
"Oh" youth nodded.
On the periphery of Puerto Ple, an off-road vehicle entered the harbor street again and wandered around.
Chapter 1659 Weird Port Pleas

"Although the immortal emperor ordered immortals not to intervene in the cultivation of immortals, many immortals died at the hands of immortals every year. For one reason or another, I, Li Chengzhu, today, if you are bullied by any immortal, you can come to Acacia to find me."

Boss Li’s eyes stared straight at Luo Sihai’s desk with a strange smile on his face.
Lota Shuai’s face became more ugly. Li Pian-yu looked at Luo Sihai and then at Ye Zhiqiu and closed his eyes after taking a few breaths.
The situation is not so good today. Luo Sihai saw it, and Li Pian-yu also saw it.
This so-called celebration of the first direct promotion of Luo Tianxian in the celestial world has another meaning.
One gave this newly established new strength a chance to snare the most basic personnel.
Boss Li spouted saliva and stars tried to stir up the emotions of the bosses and castellans. When reporters were used to those sensational means stained with yellow-haired stars, Li Chengzhu set up an enemy image with his powerful power and this time, which easily made the blood of these people boil.
Li Chengzhu, the duke of the so-called celestial cities, naturally knows that these people are the lowest level personnel in the fairy hierarchy, just like Gu Linglong at the beginning.
No immortal wants to stay in a city and be troubled by the worldly affairs of the immortals all day long, so he can’t practice quietly. Although he can get a certain reward, the reward is not proportional to the effort.
But there is no shortage of people who can be promoted to high-level immortals in these cities.
Besides, these casters are a big force when they unite
Boss Li knows that if we grasp half of the 4,000 people present, this force will be full of unknown struggles and remain invincible in the future.
Anyone who suspects that Boss Li is evil or selfish can see it, including those bosses who have been ignited to cultivate immortality.
After practicing for hundreds of years, people who are not stupid and excited will also think of what kind of purpose this murderous and acacia patriarch will have if he changes his past arrogance and affability.
If you really want to say that this person has a sense of justice, these most important and lowest-level immortals will not believe it.
Shame on big boss Li, he has opened his sleeves and untied his robe, revealing glistening belly, reflecting and showing color, and some of them have been forced to sweat out of their bodies. Big boss Li wants to carry out the sensation to the end.
From time to time, the female brothers of Hehuan Sect stole a peek at a patriarch’s adult and leaked their hearts in spring.
The bosses asked their own questions, which revolved around the available benefits and the cost.
When you know that you don’t need to pay for justice on your side, you will conditionally fight evil. After that, the leaders are excited and step by step into the condom set by Boss Li.
At this moment, the eyes of these immortal owners are like giants who maintain peace in the immortal world and generally represent justice and light.
When all kinds of questions and mood swings passed, Boss Li was thirsty.
A mind brother hurriedly brought a cup of tea to Li Chengzhu and took a bite to kill it. At the end, he said thank you to his brother with a smile.
The female brother bit his lip with a blush on his face and stumbled off the stage with excitement.
That thank you is habitually said, but the bosses can see some information from it.
How can a Luo Tianxian who is so peaceful to his younger brother be as murderous as he smells?
No matter what purpose he brought, it is a good thing that he will devote himself to maintaining peace in the world of cultivating immortals after the death of Albizia.
The title of Acacia Sect has no longer broken through the whole world of cultivating immortals, and no sect has ever been so loud.
And the Luo Tianxian nature also can’t get any benefits from yourself.
After much thought, the bosses didn’t find anything for Luo Tianxian to covet.
Property? If he wants to, he can take it by force and then return his property to Hehuan Zongmen.
Talent? There are so many talented people in the Acacia Sect that there are countless people who want to join the Acacia Sect to cultivate immortality.
"On the whole," Li Chengzhu made a final summary with a wipe of his mouth. "I, who belong to Acacia Sect, will not let my own people suffer or make my enemy better than even if the enemy is an immortal or a higher immortal, I, Li Chengzhu, are not afraid!"
Boss Li has finally revealed his true purpose, and the masters of the company have sniffed out a little taste.
Everything revolves around the last three words.
Only when one of our own is one of our own, can we really pay conditionally.
But who cares?
All these leaders need to do is get the promise of the patriarch who dares to go against the sky and ask for help. If he can really help them in the most crisis as he said, these leaders will already be grateful to Germany.
"Li Zongzhu, I propose to set up an alliance to cultivate immortals, and Li Zongzhu will lead us all." A voice rang out in the crowd, although it was not big, but it was full of the whole venue.
Boss Li swore that he had never asked for help.
It’s beyond my expectation to achieve such results.
Luo Sihai and Li Pian’s feathers are blue in the face. They know that if they don’t take some measures to make this shameful person agree to come, then all the bottom members of the whole cultivation world can belong to him.
The three major forces in the celestial world dare not boldly woo Jin Xianren, but they can secretly control a sect founder and then control this sect. But who would have thought that there is still a soldier in the celestial world who is not afraid of being punished by the immortals, and his ambition has been recognized by the immortal world?
It all sounds so ironic and crazy now, but it really happened.
The propagandist is also well-known in the field of cultivating immortals, and the strength of his sect theory can also rank among the top ten in the field of cultivating immortals.
Such a person’s sincere shouting of this remark is naturally more frightening than that of others.